FV3 Bundle
test_cases_nlm_mod Module Reference

Data Types

interface  mp_update_dwinds


subroutine init_winds (UBar, u, v, ua, va, uc, vc, defOnGrid, npx, npy, ng, ndims, nregions, nested, gridstruct, domain, tile)
subroutine, public init_case (u, v, w, pt, delp, q, phis, ps, pe, peln, pk, pkz, uc, vc, ua, va, ak, bk, gridstruct, flagstruct, npx, npy, npz, ng, ncnst, nwat, ndims, nregions, dry_mass, mountain, moist_phys, hydrostatic, hybrid_z, delz, ze0, adiabatic, ks, npx_global, ptop, domain_in, tile_in, bd)
subroutine get_vorticity (isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, npz, u, v, vort, dx, dy, rarea)
subroutine, public checker_tracers (i0, i1, j0, j1, ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, nq, km, q, lon, lat, nx, ny, rn)
subroutine terminator_tracers (i0, i1, j0, j1, ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, km, q, delp, ncnst, lon, lat)
subroutine rankine_vortex (ubar, r0, p1, u, v, grid)
real function gh_jet (npy, lat_in)
real function u_jet (lat)
subroutine get_case9_b (B, agrid)
subroutine, public case9_forcing1 (phis, time_since_start)
subroutine, public case9_forcing2 (phis)
subroutine, public case51_forcing (delp, uc, vc, u, v, ua, va, pe, time, dt, gridstruct, npx, npy, npz, ptop, domain)
subroutine, public get_stats (dt, dtout, nt, maxnt, ndays, u, v, pt, delp, q, phis, ps, uc, vc, ua, va, npx, npy, npz, ncnst, ndims, nregions, gridstruct, stats_lun, consv_lun, monitorFreq, tile, domain, nested)
subroutine get_pt_on_great_circle (p1, p2, dist, heading, p3)
subroutine get_scalar_stats (var, varT, npx, npy, ndims, nregions, vmin, vmax, L1_norm, L2_norm, Linf_norm, gridstruct, tile)
subroutine get_vector_stats (varU, varUT, varV, varVT, npx, npy, ndims, nregions, vmin, vmax, L1_norm, L2_norm, Linf_norm, gridstruct, tile)
subroutine, public check_courant_numbers (uc, vc, ndt, n_split, gridstruct, npx, npy, npz, tile, noPrint)
subroutine pmxn (p, npx, npy, nregions, tile, gridstruct, pmin, pmax, i0, j0, n0)
subroutine, public init_double_periodic (u, v, w, pt, delp, q, phis, ps, pe, peln, pk, pkz, uc, vc, ua, va, ak, bk, gridstruct, flagstruct, npx, npy, npz, ng, ncnst, nwat, ndims, nregions, dry_mass, mountain, moist_phys, hydrostatic, hybrid_z, delz, ze0, ks, ptop, domain_in, tile_in, bd)
subroutine superk_sounding (km, pe, p00, ze, pt, qz)
subroutine balanced_k (km, is, ie, js, je, ng, ps0, ze1, ts1, qs1, uz1, dudz, pe, pk, pt, delz, zvir, ptop, ak, bk, agrid)
subroutine superk_u (km, zz, um, dudz)
subroutine dcmip16_bc (delp, pt, u, v, q, w, delz, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, npz, nq, ak, bk, ptop, pk, peln, pe, pkz, gz, phis, ps, grid, agrid, hydrostatic, nwat, adiabatic, do_pert, domain)
subroutine dcmip16_tc (delp, pt, u, v, q, w, delz, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, npz, nq, ak, bk, ptop, pk, peln, pe, pkz, gz, phis, ps, grid, agrid, hydrostatic, nwat, adiabatic)
subroutine, public init_latlon (u, v, pt, delp, q, phis, ps, pe, peln, pk, pkz, uc, vc, ua, va, ak, bk, gridstruct, npx, npy, npz, ng, ncnst, ndims, nregions, dry_mass, mountain, moist_phys, hybrid_z, delz, ze0, domain_in, tile_in)
subroutine init_latlon_winds (UBar, u, v, ua, va, uc, vc, defOnGrid, gridstruct)
subroutine d2a2c (im, jm, km, ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, ng, nested, u, v, ua, va, uc, vc, gridstruct, domain)
subroutine atob_s (qin, qout, npx, npy, dxa, dya, nested, cubed_sphere, altInterp)
subroutine atod (uin, vin, uout, vout, dxa, dya, dxc, dyc, npx, npy, ng, nested, domain)
subroutine dtoa (uin, vin, uout, vout, dx, dy, dxa, dya, dxc, dyc, npx, npy, ng)
subroutine atoc (uin, vin, uout, vout, dx, dy, dxa, dya, npx, npy, ng, nested, domain, noComm)
subroutine ctoa (uin, vin, uout, vout, dx, dy, dxc, dyc, dxa, dya, npx, npy, ng)
subroutine rotate_winds (myU, myV, p1, p2, p3, p4, t1, ndims, dir)
subroutine mp_update_dwinds_2d (u, v, npx, npy, domain)
subroutine mp_update_dwinds_3d (u, v, npx, npy, npz, domain)
real function globalsum (p, npx, npy, ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, isd, ied, jsd, jed, gridstruct, tile)
subroutine get_unit_vector (p1, p2, p3, uvect)
subroutine normalize_vect (np, e)
subroutine mp_ghost_ew (im, jm, km, nq, ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, kfirst, klast, ng_w, ng_e, ng_s, ng_n, q_ghst, q)
subroutine interp_left_edge_1d (qout, qin, dx, ifirst, ilast, order)
subroutine vpol5 (u, v, im, jm, coslon, sinlon, cosl5, sinl5, ng_d, ng_s, jfirst, jlast)
subroutine prt_m1 (qname, q, is, ie, js, je, n_g, km, fac)
subroutine var_dz (km, ztop, ze)
subroutine sm1_edge (is, ie, js, je, km, i, j, ze, ntimes)


integer sphum
integer theta_d
real(kind=r_grid), parameter radius = cnst_radius
real(kind=r_grid), parameter one = 1.d0
integer, public test_case
logical, public bubble_do
real, public alpha
integer, public nsolitons
real, public soliton_size = 750.e3
real, public soliton_umax = 50.
real p0_c0 = 3.0
real rgamma = 5.0
real lat0 = pi/2.0
real lon0 = 0.0
real, parameter pi_shift = 0.0
integer, parameter initwindscase0 =-1
integer, parameter initwindscase1 = 1
integer, parameter initwindscase2 = 5
integer, parameter initwindscase5 = 5
integer, parameter initwindscase6 =-1
integer, parameter initwindscase9 =-1
real, dimension(:), allocatable, public pz0
real, dimension(:), allocatable, public zz0
integer, public tracer_test
integer, public wind_field
real ubar
real vbar
real gh0
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable case9_b
real, dimension(2) aoft
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable phi0
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable ua0
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable va0
real, dimension(:), allocatable gh_table
real, dimension(:), allocatable lats_table
logical gh_initialized = .false.
real tmass_orig
real tvort_orig
real tener_orig
integer, parameter interporder = 1

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ atob_s()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::atob_s ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(in)  qin,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed+1), intent(out)  qout,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxa,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dya,
logical, intent(in)  nested,
logical, intent(in)  cubed_sphere,
integer, intent(in), optional  altInterp 

Definition at line 8255 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atoc()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::atoc ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(in)  uin,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(in)  vin,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(out)  uout,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(out)  vout,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  dx,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dy,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxa,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dya,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
logical, intent(in)  nested,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain,
logical, intent(in), optional  noComm 

Definition at line 8502 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atod()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::atod ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(in)  uin,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(in)  vin,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(out)  uout,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(out)  vout,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxa,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dya,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxc,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  dyc,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
logical, intent(in)  nested,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain 

Definition at line 8397 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ balanced_k()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::balanced_k ( integer, intent(in)  km,
integer, intent(in)  is,
integer, intent(in)  ie,
integer, intent(in)  js,
integer, intent(in)  je,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
real, intent(in)  ps0,
real, dimension(km+1), intent(in)  ze1,
real, dimension(km ), intent(in)  ts1,
real, dimension(km ), intent(in)  qs1,
real, dimension(km ), intent(in)  uz1,
real, dimension(km ), intent(in)  dudz,
real, dimension(is-1:ie+1,km+1,js-1:je+1), intent(inout)  pe,
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je,km+1), intent(out)  pk,
real, dimension(is-ng:ie+ng,js-ng:je+ng,km), intent(inout)  pt,
real, dimension(is-ng:ie+ng,js-ng:je+ng,km), intent(inout)  delz,
real, intent(in)  zvir,
real, intent(inout)  ptop,
real, dimension(km+1), intent(inout)  ak,
real, dimension(km+1), intent(inout)  bk,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(is-ng:ie+ng,js-ng:je+ng,2), intent(in)  agrid 

Definition at line 6842 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ case51_forcing()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::case51_forcing ( real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(inout)  delp,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed,npz), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  vc,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed,npz), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(inout)  va,
real, dimension(is-1:ie+1, npz+1,js-1:je+1), intent(inout)  pe,
real, intent(in)  time,
real, intent(in)  dt,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
real, intent(inout)  ptop,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain 

Definition at line 4140 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ case9_forcing1()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::case9_forcing1 ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  phis,
real, intent(in)  time_since_start 

Definition at line 4087 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ case9_forcing2()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::case9_forcing2 ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  phis)

Definition at line 4122 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_courant_numbers()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::check_courant_numbers ( real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(in)  uc,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(in)  vc,
real, intent(in)  ndt,
integer, intent(in)  n_split,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
integer, intent(in)  tile,
logical, intent(in), optional  noPrint 

Definition at line 5126 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ checker_tracers()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::checker_tracers ( integer, intent(in)  i0,
integer, intent(in)  i1,
integer, intent(in)  j0,
integer, intent(in)  j1,
integer, intent(in)  ifirst,
integer, intent(in)  ilast,
integer, intent(in)  jfirst,
integer, intent(in)  jlast,
integer, intent(in)  nq,
integer, intent(in)  km,
real, dimension(ifirst:ilast,jfirst:jlast,km,nq), intent(out)  q,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(i0:i1,j0:j1), intent(in)  lon,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(i0:i1,j0:j1), intent(in)  lat,
real, intent(in)  nx,
real, intent(in)  ny,
real, intent(in), optional  rn 

Definition at line 3781 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ctoa()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::ctoa ( real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(in)  uin,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  vin,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(out)  uout,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(out)  vout,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  dx,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dy,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxc,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  dyc,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxa,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dya,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ng 

Definition at line 8627 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ d2a2c()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::d2a2c ( integer, intent(in)  im,
integer, intent(in)  jm,
integer, intent(in)  km,
integer, intent(in)  ifirst,
integer, intent(in)  ilast,
integer, intent(in)  jfirst,
integer, intent(in)  jlast,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
logical, intent(in)  nested,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(inout)  va,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  vc,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain 

Definition at line 8021 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dcmip16_bc()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::dcmip16_bc ( real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  delp,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  pt,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(out)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz,nq), intent(inout)  q,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  w,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  delz,
integer, intent(in)  is,
integer, intent(in)  ie,
integer, intent(in)  js,
integer, intent(in)  je,
integer, intent(in)  isd,
integer, intent(in)  ied,
integer, intent(in)  jsd,
integer, intent(in)  jed,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
integer, intent(in)  nq,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(in)  ak,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(in)  bk,
real, intent(in)  ptop,
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je,npz+1), intent(out)  pk,
real, dimension(is:ie,npz+1,js:je), intent(out)  peln,
real, dimension(is-1:ie+1,npz+1,js-1:je+1), intent(out)  pe,
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je,npz), intent(out)  pkz,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz+1), intent(out)  gz,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(out)  phis,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(out)  ps,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed+1,2), intent(in)  grid,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2), intent(in)  agrid,
logical, intent(in)  hydrostatic,
integer, intent(in)  nwat,
logical, intent(in)  adiabatic,
logical, intent(in)  do_pert,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain 

Definition at line 7034 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dcmip16_tc()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::dcmip16_tc ( real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  delp,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  pt,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(out)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz,nq), intent(inout)  q,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  w,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz), intent(out)  delz,
integer, intent(in)  is,
integer, intent(in)  ie,
integer, intent(in)  js,
integer, intent(in)  je,
integer, intent(in)  isd,
integer, intent(in)  ied,
integer, intent(in)  jsd,
integer, intent(in)  jed,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
integer, intent(in)  nq,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(in)  ak,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(in)  bk,
real, intent(in)  ptop,
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je,npz+1), intent(out)  pk,
real, dimension(is:ie,npz+1,js:je), intent(out)  peln,
real, dimension(is-1:ie+1,npz+1,js-1:je+1), intent(out)  pe,
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je,npz), intent(out)  pkz,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,npz+1), intent(out)  gz,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(out)  phis,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(out)  ps,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed+1,2), intent(in)  grid,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2), intent(in)  agrid,
logical, intent(in)  hydrostatic,
integer, intent(in)  nwat,
logical, intent(in)  adiabatic 

Definition at line 7407 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dtoa()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::dtoa ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  uin,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(in)  vin,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(out)  uout,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(out)  vout,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  dx,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dy,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxa,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dya,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dxc,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  dyc,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ng 

Definition at line 8446 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_case9_b()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::get_case9_b ( real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(out)  B,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2), intent(in)  agrid 

Definition at line 4058 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_pt_on_great_circle()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::get_pt_on_great_circle ( real, dimension(2), intent(in)  p1,
real, dimension(2), intent(in)  p2,
real, intent(in)  dist,
real, intent(in)  heading,
real, dimension(2), intent(out)  p3 

Definition at line 4906 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_scalar_stats()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::get_scalar_stats ( real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  var,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  varT,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
real, intent(out)  vmin,
real, intent(out)  vmax,
real, intent(out)  L1_norm,
real, intent(out)  L2_norm,
real, intent(out)  Linf_norm,
type(fv_grid_type), target  gridstruct,
integer, intent(in)  tile 

Definition at line 4942 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_stats()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::get_stats ( real, intent(in)  dt,
real, intent(in)  dtout,
integer, intent(in)  nt,
integer, intent(in)  maxnt,
real, intent(in)  ndays,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  pt,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  delp,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz, ncnst), intent(inout)  q,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  phis,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  ps,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  vc,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  va,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
integer, intent(in)  ncnst,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
type(fv_grid_type), target  gridstruct,
integer, intent(in)  stats_lun,
integer, intent(in)  consv_lun,
integer, intent(in)  monitorFreq,
integer, intent(in)  tile,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain,
logical, intent(in)  nested 

Definition at line 4462 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_unit_vector()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::get_unit_vector ( real(kind=r_grid), dimension(2), intent(in)  p1,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(2), intent(in)  p2,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(2), intent(in)  p3,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(3), intent(out)  uvect 

Definition at line 8864 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_vector_stats()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::get_vector_stats ( real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  varU,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  varUT,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  varV,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  varVT,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
real, intent(out)  vmin,
real, intent(out)  vmax,
real, intent(out)  L1_norm,
real, intent(out)  L2_norm,
real, intent(out)  Linf_norm,
type(fv_grid_type), target  gridstruct,
integer, intent(in)  tile 

Definition at line 5031 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_vorticity()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::get_vorticity ( integer  isc,
integer  iec,
integer  jsc,
integer  jec,
integer  isd,
integer  ied,
integer  jsd,
integer  jed,
integer  npz,
real, dimension(isd:ied, jsd:jed+1, npz), intent(in)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1, jsd:jed, npz), intent(in)  v,
real, dimension(isc:iec, jsc:jec, npz), intent(out)  vort,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed+1), intent(in)  dx,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(in)  dy,
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  rarea 

Definition at line 3747 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gh_jet()

real function test_cases_nlm_mod::gh_jet ( integer, intent(in)  npy,
real, intent(in)  lat_in 

Definition at line 3995 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ globalsum()

real function test_cases_nlm_mod::globalsum ( real, dimension(ifirst:ilast,jfirst:jlast), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ifirst,
integer, intent(in)  ilast,
integer, intent(in)  jfirst,
integer, intent(in)  jlast,
integer, intent(in)  isd,
integer, intent(in)  ied,
integer, intent(in)  jsd,
integer, intent(in)  jed,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct,
integer, intent(in)  tile 

Definition at line 8766 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_case()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::init_case ( real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied+1,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(bd%isd: ,bd%jsd: ,1:), intent(inout)  w,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  pt,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  delp,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz, ncnst), intent(inout)  q,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ), intent(inout)  phis,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ), intent(inout)  ps,
real, dimension(bd%is-1:bd%ie+1,npz+1,bd%js-1:bd%je+1), intent(inout)  pe,
real, dimension(bd%is :bd%ie ,npz+1 ,bd%js:bd%je), intent(inout)  peln,
real, dimension(bd%is:bd%ie ,bd%js:bd%je ,npz+1), intent(inout)  pk,
real, dimension(bd%is:bd%ie ,bd%js:bd%je ,npz ), intent(inout)  pkz,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied+1,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  vc,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  va,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(inout)  ak,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(inout)  bk,
type(fv_grid_type), target  gridstruct,
type(fv_flags_type), intent(in), target  flagstruct,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
integer, intent(in)  ncnst,
integer, intent(in)  nwat,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
real, intent(in)  dry_mass,
logical, intent(in)  mountain,
logical, intent(in)  moist_phys,
logical, intent(in)  hydrostatic,
logical, intent(in)  hybrid_z,
real, dimension(bd%isd:,bd%jsd:,1:), intent(inout)  delz,
real, dimension(bd%is:,bd%js:,1:), intent(inout)  ze0,
logical, intent(in)  adiabatic,
integer, intent(in)  ks,
integer, intent(in)  npx_global,
real, intent(inout)  ptop,
type(domain2d), intent(in), target  domain_in,
integer, intent(in), target  tile_in,
type(fv_grid_bounds_type), intent(in)  bd 

Definition at line 468 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_double_periodic()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::init_double_periodic ( real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied+1,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(bd%isd: ,bd%jsd: ,1:), intent(inout)  w,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  pt,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  delp,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz, ncnst), intent(inout)  q,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ), intent(inout)  phis,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ), intent(inout)  ps,
real, dimension(bd%is-1:bd%ie+1,npz+1,bd%js-1:bd%je+1), intent(inout)  pe,
real, dimension(bd%is :bd%ie ,npz+1 ,bd%js:bd%je), intent(inout)  peln,
real, dimension(bd%is:bd%ie ,bd%js:bd%je ,npz+1), intent(inout)  pk,
real, dimension(bd%is:bd%ie ,bd%js:bd%je ,npz ), intent(inout)  pkz,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied+1,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  vc,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(bd%isd:bd%ied ,bd%jsd:bd%jed ,npz), intent(inout)  va,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(inout)  ak,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(inout)  bk,
type(fv_grid_type), target  gridstruct,
type(fv_flags_type), target  flagstruct,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
integer, intent(in)  ncnst,
integer, intent(in)  nwat,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
real, intent(in)  dry_mass,
logical, intent(in)  mountain,
logical, intent(in)  moist_phys,
logical, intent(in)  hydrostatic,
logical, intent(in)  hybrid_z,
real, dimension(bd%isd:,bd%jsd:,1:), intent(inout)  delz,
real, dimension(bd%is:,bd%js:,1:), intent(inout)  ze0,
integer, intent(inout)  ks,
real, intent(inout)  ptop,
type(domain2d), intent(in), target  domain_in,
integer, intent(inout), target  tile_in,
type(fv_grid_bounds_type), intent(in)  bd 

Definition at line 5999 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_latlon()

subroutine, public test_cases_nlm_mod::init_latlon ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  pt,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  delp,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz, ncnst), intent(inout)  q,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  phis,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  ps,
real, dimension(is-1:ie+1,npz+1,js-1:je+1), intent(inout)  pe,
real, dimension(is :ie ,npz+1 ,js:je), intent(inout)  peln,
real, dimension(is:ie ,js:je ,npz+1), intent(inout)  pk,
real, dimension(is:ie ,js:je ,npz ), intent(inout)  pkz,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  vc,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  va,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(in)  ak,
real, dimension(npz+1), intent(in)  bk,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
integer, intent(in)  ncnst,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
real, intent(in)  dry_mass,
logical, intent(in)  mountain,
logical, intent(in)  moist_phys,
logical, intent(in)  hybrid_z,
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,1:), intent(inout)  delz,
real, dimension(is:,js:,1:), intent(inout)  ze0,
type(domain2d), intent(in), target  domain_in,
integer, intent(in), target  tile_in 

Definition at line 7757 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_latlon_winds()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::init_latlon_winds ( real, intent(inout)  UBar,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  va,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  vc,
integer, intent(in)  defOnGrid,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct 

Definition at line 7935 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_winds()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::init_winds ( real, intent(inout)  UBar,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  v,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  ua,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  va,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  uc,
real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  vc,
integer, intent(in)  defOnGrid,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  ng,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
logical, intent(in)  nested,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain,
integer, intent(in)  tile 

Definition at line 171 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interp_left_edge_1d()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::interp_left_edge_1d ( real, dimension(ifirst:), intent(out)  qout,
real, dimension(ifirst:), intent(in)  qin,
real, dimension(ifirst:), intent(in)  dx,
integer, intent(in)  ifirst,
integer, intent(in)  ilast,
integer, intent(in)  order 

Definition at line 8970 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mp_ghost_ew()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::mp_ghost_ew ( integer, intent(in)  im,
integer, intent(in)  jm,
integer, intent(in)  km,
integer, intent(in)  nq,
integer, intent(in)  ifirst,
integer, intent(in)  ilast,
integer, intent(in)  jfirst,
integer, intent(in)  jlast,
integer, intent(in)  kfirst,
integer, intent(in)  klast,
integer, intent(in)  ng_w,
integer, intent(in)  ng_e,
integer, intent(in)  ng_s,
integer, intent(in)  ng_n,
real, dimension(ifirst-ng_w:ilast+ng_e,jfirst-ng_s:jlast+ng_n,kfirst:klast,nq), intent(inout)  q_ghst,
real, dimension(ifirst:ilast,jfirst:jlast,kfirst:klast,nq), intent(in), optional  q 

Definition at line 8909 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mp_update_dwinds_2d()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::mp_update_dwinds_2d ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ), intent(inout)  v,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain 

Definition at line 8728 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ mp_update_dwinds_3d()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::mp_update_dwinds_3d ( real, dimension(isd:ied ,jsd:jed+1,npz), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed ,npz), intent(inout)  v,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  npz,
type(domain2d), intent(inout)  domain 

Definition at line 8746 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ normalize_vect()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::normalize_vect ( integer, intent(in)  np,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(3,np), intent(inout)  e 

Definition at line 8884 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ pmxn()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::pmxn ( real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  npx,
integer, intent(in)  npy,
integer, intent(in)  nregions,
integer, intent(in)  tile,
type(fv_grid_type), intent(in), target  gridstruct,
real, intent(out)  pmin,
real, intent(out)  pmax,
integer, intent(out)  i0,
integer, intent(out)  j0,
integer, intent(out)  n0 

Definition at line 5253 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prt_m1()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::prt_m1 ( character(len=*), intent(in)  qname,
real, dimension(is-n_g:ie+n_g, js-n_g:je+n_g, km), intent(in)  q,
integer, intent(in)  is,
integer, intent(in)  ie,
integer, intent(in)  js,
integer, intent(in)  je,
integer, intent(in)  n_g,
integer, intent(in)  km,
real, intent(in)  fac 

Definition at line 9185 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rankine_vortex()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::rankine_vortex ( real, intent(in)  ubar,
real, intent(in)  r0,
real, dimension(2), intent(in)  p1,
real, dimension(isd:ied, jsd:jed+1), intent(inout)  u,
real, dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed), intent(inout)  v,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(isd:ied+1,jsd:jed+1,2), intent(in)  grid 

Definition at line 3918 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rotate_winds()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::rotate_winds ( real, intent(inout)  myU,
real, intent(inout)  myV,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(ndims), intent(in)  p1,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(ndims), intent(in)  p2,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(ndims), intent(in)  p3,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(ndims), intent(in)  p4,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(ndims), intent(in)  t1,
integer, intent(in)  ndims,
integer, intent(in)  dir 

Definition at line 8683 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sm1_edge()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::sm1_edge ( integer, intent(in)  is,
integer, intent(in)  ie,
integer, intent(in)  js,
integer, intent(in)  je,
integer, intent(in)  km,
integer, intent(in)  i,
integer, intent(in)  j,
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je,km+1), intent(inout)  ze,
integer, intent(in)  ntimes 

Definition at line 9276 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ superk_sounding()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::superk_sounding ( integer, intent(in)  km,
real, dimension(km+1), intent(inout)  pe,
real, intent(in)  p00,
real, dimension(km+1), intent(in)  ze,
real, dimension(km), intent(out)  pt,
real, dimension(km), intent(out)  qz 

Definition at line 6710 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ superk_u()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::superk_u ( integer, intent(in)  km,
real, dimension(km), intent(in)  zz,
real, dimension(km), intent(out)  um,
real, dimension(km), intent(out)  dudz 

Definition at line 6996 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ terminator_tracers()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::terminator_tracers ( integer, intent(in)  i0,
integer, intent(in)  i1,
integer, intent(in)  j0,
integer, intent(in)  j1,
integer, intent(in)  ifirst,
integer, intent(in)  ilast,
integer, intent(in)  jfirst,
integer, intent(in)  jlast,
integer, intent(in)  km,
real, dimension(ifirst:ilast,jfirst:jlast,km,ncnst), intent(inout)  q,
real, dimension(ifirst:ilast,jfirst:jlast,km), intent(in)  delp,
integer, intent(in)  ncnst,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(ifirst:ilast,jfirst:jlast), intent(in)  lon,
real(kind=r_grid), dimension(ifirst:ilast,jfirst:jlast), intent(in)  lat 

Definition at line 3850 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ u_jet()

real function test_cases_nlm_mod::u_jet ( real  lat)

Definition at line 4042 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ var_dz()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::var_dz ( integer, intent(in)  km,
real, intent(in)  ztop,
real, dimension(km+1), intent(out)  ze 

Definition at line 9215 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vpol5()

subroutine test_cases_nlm_mod::vpol5 ( real, dimension(im,jfirst-ng_d:jlast+ng_s), intent(in)  u,
real, dimension(im,jfirst-ng_d:jlast+ng_d), intent(inout)  v,
integer  im,
integer  jm,
real, dimension(im,jm), intent(in)  coslon,
real, dimension(im,jm), intent(in)  sinlon,
real, dimension(im,jm), intent(in)  cosl5,
real, dimension(im,jm), intent(in)  sinl5,
integer, intent(in)  ng_d,
integer, intent(in)  ng_s,
integer  jfirst,
integer  jlast 

Definition at line 9080 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ alpha

real, public test_cases_nlm_mod::alpha

Definition at line 98 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ aoft

real, dimension(2) test_cases_nlm_mod::aoft

Definition at line 130 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ bubble_do

logical, public test_cases_nlm_mod::bubble_do

Definition at line 97 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ case9_b

real, dimension(:,:), allocatable test_cases_nlm_mod::case9_b

Definition at line 129 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ gh0

real test_cases_nlm_mod::gh0

Definition at line 126 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ gh_initialized

logical test_cases_nlm_mod::gh_initialized = .false.

Definition at line 139 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ gh_table

real, dimension(:), allocatable test_cases_nlm_mod::gh_table

Definition at line 138 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ initwindscase0

integer, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::initwindscase0 =-1

Definition at line 112 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ initwindscase1

integer, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::initwindscase1 = 1

Definition at line 113 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ initwindscase2

integer, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::initwindscase2 = 5

Definition at line 114 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ initwindscase5

integer, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::initwindscase5 = 5

Definition at line 115 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ initwindscase6

integer, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::initwindscase6 =-1

Definition at line 116 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ initwindscase9

integer, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::initwindscase9 =-1

Definition at line 117 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ interporder

integer, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::interporder = 1

Definition at line 146 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ lat0

real test_cases_nlm_mod::lat0 = pi/2.0

Definition at line 105 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ lats_table

real, dimension(:), allocatable test_cases_nlm_mod::lats_table

Definition at line 138 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ lon0

real test_cases_nlm_mod::lon0 = 0.0

Definition at line 106 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ nsolitons

integer, public test_cases_nlm_mod::nsolitons

Definition at line 99 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ one

real(kind=r_grid), parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::one = 1.d0

Definition at line 95 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ p0_c0

real test_cases_nlm_mod::p0_c0 = 3.0

Definition at line 103 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ phi0

real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable test_cases_nlm_mod::phi0

Definition at line 134 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ pi_shift

real, parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::pi_shift = 0.0

Definition at line 109 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ pz0

real, dimension(:), allocatable, public test_cases_nlm_mod::pz0

Definition at line 119 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ radius

real(kind=r_grid), parameter test_cases_nlm_mod::radius = cnst_radius

Definition at line 94 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ rgamma

real test_cases_nlm_mod::rgamma = 5.0

Definition at line 104 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ soliton_size

real, public test_cases_nlm_mod::soliton_size = 750.e3

Definition at line 100 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ soliton_umax

real, public test_cases_nlm_mod::soliton_umax = 50.

Definition at line 100 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ sphum

integer test_cases_nlm_mod::sphum

Definition at line 93 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ tener_orig

real test_cases_nlm_mod::tener_orig

Definition at line 144 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ test_case

integer, public test_cases_nlm_mod::test_case

Definition at line 96 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ theta_d

integer test_cases_nlm_mod::theta_d

Definition at line 93 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ tmass_orig

real test_cases_nlm_mod::tmass_orig

Definition at line 142 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ tracer_test

integer, public test_cases_nlm_mod::tracer_test

Definition at line 121 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ tvort_orig

real test_cases_nlm_mod::tvort_orig

Definition at line 143 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ ua0

real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable test_cases_nlm_mod::ua0

Definition at line 135 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ ubar

real test_cases_nlm_mod::ubar

Definition at line 124 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ va0

real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable test_cases_nlm_mod::va0

Definition at line 136 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ vbar

real test_cases_nlm_mod::vbar

Definition at line 124 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ wind_field

integer, public test_cases_nlm_mod::wind_field

Definition at line 121 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.

◆ zz0

real, dimension(:), allocatable, public test_cases_nlm_mod::zz0

Definition at line 119 of file test_cases_nlm.F90.