FV3 Bundle
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1 !==========================================================================
2 elemental subroutine gsw_ct_first_derivatives_wrt_t_exact (sa, t, p, &
3  ct_sa_wrt_t, ct_t_wrt_t, ct_p_wrt_t)
4 !==========================================================================
5 !
6 ! Calculates the following three derivatives of Conservative Temperature.
7 ! These derivatives are done with respect to in-situ temperature t (in the
8 ! case of CT_T_wrt_t) or at constant in-situ tempertature (in the cases of
9 ! CT_SA_wrt_t and CT_P_wrt_t).
10 ! (1) CT_SA_wrt_t, the derivative of CT with respect to Absolute Salinity
11 ! at constant t and p, and
12 ! (2) CT_T_wrt_t, derivative of CT with respect to in-situ temperature t
13 ! at constant SA and p.
14 ! (3) CT_P_wrt_t, derivative of CT with respect to pressure P (in Pa) at
15 ! constant SA and t.
16 !
17 ! This function uses the full Gibbs function. Note that this function
18 ! avoids the NaN that would exist in CT_SA_wrt_t at SA = 0 if it were
19 ! evaluated in the straightforward way from the derivatives of the Gibbs
20 ! function function.
21 !
22 ! SA = Absolute Salinity [ g/kg ]
23 ! t = in-situ temperature (ITS-90) [ deg C ]
24 ! p = sea pressure [ dbar ]
25 ! ( i.e. absolute pressure - 10.1325 dbar)
26 !
27 ! CT_SA_wrt_t = The first derivative of Conservative Temperature with
28 ! respect to Absolute Salinity at constant t and p.
29 ! [ K/(g/kg)] i.e. [ K kg/g ]
30 ! CT_T_wrt_t = The first derivative of Conservative Temperature with
31 ! respect to in-situ temperature, t, at constant SA and p.
32 ! [ unitless ]
33 ! CT_P_wrt_t = The first derivative of Conservative Temperature with
34 ! respect to pressure P (in Pa) at constant SA and t.
35 ! [ K/Pa ]
36 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 use gsw_mod_kinds
44 implicit none
46 real (r8), intent(in) :: sa, t, p
47 real (r8), intent(out), optional :: ct_p_wrt_t, ct_sa_wrt_t, ct_t_wrt_t
49 real (r8) :: g_sa_mod, g_sa_t_mod, pt0, x, y, y_pt, z
51 pt0 = gsw_pt0_from_t(sa,t,p)
53 if (present(ct_sa_wrt_t)) then
55  x = sqrt(gsw_sfac*sa)
56  y = 0.025_r8*t
57  y_pt = 0.025_r8*pt0
58  z = rec_db2pa*p ! the input pressure (p) is sea pressure in units of dbar
60  g_sa_t_mod = 1187.3715515697959_r8 + z*(1458.233059470092_r8 + &
61  z*(-687.913805923122_r8 + z*(249.375342232496_r8 + &
62  z*(-63.313928772146_r8 + 14.09317606630898_r8*z)))) + &
63  x*(-1480.222530425046_r8 + x*(2175.341332000392_r8 + &
64  x*(-980.14153344888_r8 + 220.542973797483_r8*x) + &
65  y*(-548.4580073635929_r8 + y*(592.4012338275047_r8 + &
66  y*(-274.2361238716608_r8 + 49.9394019139016_r8*y))) - &
67  90.6734234051316_r8*z) + z*(-525.876123559641_r8 + &
68  (249.57717834054571_r8 - 88.449193048287_r8*z)*z) + &
69  y*(-258.3988055868252_r8 + z*(2298.348396014856_r8 + &
70  z*(-325.1503575102672_r8 + 153.8390924339484_r8*z)) + &
71  y*(-90.2046337756875_r8 - 4142.8793862113125_r8*z + &
72  y*(10.50720794170734_r8 + 2814.78225133626_r8*z)))) + &
73  y*(3520.125411988816_r8 + y*(-1351.605895580406_r8 + &
74  y*(731.4083582010072_r8 + y*(-216.60324087531103_r8 + &
75  25.56203650166196_r8*y) + z*(-2381.829935897496_r8 + &
76  (597.809129110048_r8 - 291.8983352012704_r8*z)*z)) + &
77  z*(4165.4688847996085_r8 + z*(-1229.337851789418_r8 + &
78  (681.370187043564_r8 - 66.7696405958478_r8*z)*z))) + &
79  z*(-3443.057215135908_r8 + z*(1349.638121077468_r8 + &
80  z*(-713.258224830552_r8 + &
81  (176.8161433232_r8 - 31.68006188846728_r8*z)*z))))
82  g_sa_t_mod = 0.5_r8*gsw_sfac*0.025_r8*g_sa_t_mod
84  g_sa_mod = 8645.36753595126_r8 + &
85  x*(-7296.43987145382_r8 + x*(8103.20462414788_r8 + &
86  y_pt*(2175.341332000392_r8 + y_pt*(-274.2290036817964_r8 + &
87  y_pt*(197.4670779425016_r8 + y_pt*(-68.5590309679152_r8 + &
88  9.98788038278032_r8*y_pt)))) + &
89  x*(-5458.34205214835_r8 - 980.14153344888_r8*y_pt + &
90  x*(2247.60742726704_r8 - 340.1237483177863_r8*x + &
91  220.542973797483_r8*y_pt))) + &
92  y_pt*(-1480.222530425046_r8 + &
93  y_pt*(-129.1994027934126_r8 + &
94  y_pt*(-30.0682112585625_r8 + y_pt*(2.626801985426835_r8 ))))) + &
95  y_pt*(1187.3715515697959_r8 + &
96  y_pt*(1760.062705994408_r8 + y_pt*(-450.535298526802_r8 + &
97  y_pt*(182.8520895502518_r8 + y_pt*(-43.3206481750622_r8 + &
98  4.26033941694366_r8*y_pt)))))
99  g_sa_mod = 0.5_r8*gsw_sfac*g_sa_mod
101  ct_sa_wrt_t = (g_sa_mod - (gsw_t0+pt0)*g_sa_t_mod)/gsw_cp0
103 end if
105 if (present(ct_t_wrt_t)) &
106  ct_t_wrt_t = -(gsw_t0+pt0)*gsw_gibbs(0,2,0,sa,t,p)/gsw_cp0
108 if (present(ct_p_wrt_t)) &
109  ct_p_wrt_t = -(gsw_t0+pt0)*gsw_gibbs(0,1,1,sa,t,p)/gsw_cp0
111 return
112 end subroutine
114 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
elemental subroutine gsw_ct_first_derivatives_wrt_t_exact(sa, t, p, ct_sa_wrt_t, ct_t_wrt_t, ct_p_wrt_t)