FV3 Bundle
gsw_mod_teos10_constants Module Reference


real(r8), parameter db2pa = 1.0e4_r8
real(r8), parameter rec_db2pa = 1.0e-4_r8
real(r8), parameter pa2db = 1.0e-4_r8
real(r8), parameter rec_pa2db = 1.0e4_r8
real(r8), parameter pi = 3.141592653589793_r8
real(r8), parameter deg2rad = pi/180.0_r8
real(r8), parameter rad2deg = 180.0_r8/pi
real(r8), parameter gamma = 2.26e-7_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_cp0 = 3991.86795711963_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_t0 = 273.15_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_p0 = 101325.0_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_sso = 35.16504_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_sqrtsso = 5.930011804372737_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_ups = gsw_sso/35.0_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_sfac = 0.0248826675584615_r8
real(r8), parameter offset = 5.971840214030754e-1_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_c3515 = 42.9140_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_soncl = 1.80655_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_valence_factor = 1.2452898_r8
real(r8), parameter gsw_atomic_weight = 31.4038218_r8

Variable Documentation

◆ db2pa

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::db2pa = 1.0e4_r8

Definition at line 9 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ deg2rad

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::deg2rad = pi/180.0_r8

Definition at line 16 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gamma

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gamma = 2.26e-7_r8

Definition at line 19 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_atomic_weight

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_atomic_weight = 31.4038218_r8

Definition at line 67 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_c3515

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_c3515 = 42.9140_r8

Definition at line 53 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_cp0

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_cp0 = 3991.86795711963_r8

Definition at line 24 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_p0

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_p0 = 101325.0_r8

Definition at line 32 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_sfac

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_sfac = 0.0248826675584615_r8

Definition at line 45 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_soncl

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_soncl = 1.80655_r8

Definition at line 57 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_sqrtsso

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_sqrtsso = 5.930011804372737_r8

Definition at line 37 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_sso

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_sso = 35.16504_r8

Definition at line 36 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_t0

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_t0 = 273.15_r8

Definition at line 28 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_ups

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_ups = gsw_sso/35.0_r8

Definition at line 41 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ gsw_valence_factor

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::gsw_valence_factor = 1.2452898_r8

Definition at line 62 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ offset

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::offset = 5.971840214030754e-1_r8

Definition at line 49 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ pa2db

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::pa2db = 1.0e-4_r8

Definition at line 12 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ pi

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::pi = 3.141592653589793_r8

Definition at line 15 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ rad2deg

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::rad2deg = 180.0_r8/pi

Definition at line 17 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ rec_db2pa

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::rec_db2pa = 1.0e-4_r8

Definition at line 10 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.

◆ rec_pa2db

real (r8), parameter gsw_mod_teos10_constants::rec_pa2db = 1.0e4_r8

Definition at line 13 of file gsw_mod_teos10_constants.f90.