FV3 Bundle
MieInterface.F90 File Reference
#include "MAPL_Generic.h"
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Data Types

interface  aerooptproptablemod::get_aerooptpropallaero


module  aerooptproptablemod


subroutine, public aerooptproptablemod::get_aerooptprop (idx, ib, qaero, rh, tau, ssa, asy, rc)
subroutine aerooptproptablemod::get_aerooptpropallaero3d (na, aerosol, nb, offset, qaero, rh, tau, ssa, asy, rc)
subroutine aerooptproptablemod::get_aerooptpropallaero4d (na, aerosol, nb, offset, qaero, rh, tau, ssa, asy, rc)
subroutine, public aerooptproptablemod::get_aerotaulist (idx, ib, nn, qaero, rh, tau, rc)
integer function, public aerooptproptablemod::get_aeroindex (aerosol, rc)
subroutine, public aerooptproptablemod::get_aeroindextableprops (na, aerosol, rh, routine, idx, nrh, bext, bsca, gasy, arh, irh, rc)
subroutine, public aerooptproptablemod::create_aerooptprop (cf, rc)


type(chem_mie), save aerooptproptablemod::mietable
logical, save aerooptproptablemod::mietablecreated =.false.