FV3 Bundle
CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

interface  crtm_atmosphere_define::operator(==)
interface  crtm_atmosphere_define::operator(+)
interface  crtm_atmosphere_define::operator(-)
interface  crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_inspect
interface  crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_readfile
interface  crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_writefile
type  crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_type


module  crtm_atmosphere_define


elemental logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_associated (Atm)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_destroy (Atm)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_create (Atm, n_Layers, n_Absorbers, n_Clouds, n_Aerosols)
elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_addlayercopy (atm, n_Added_Layers)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_zero (Atmosphere)
logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_isvalid (Atm)
logical function absorber_id_ispresent (Id)
subroutine crtm_atmosphere_define::scalar_inspect (Atm, Unit)
subroutine crtm_atmosphere_define::rank1_inspect (Atmosphere, Unit)
subroutine crtm_atmosphere_define::rank2_inspect (Atmosphere, Unit)
subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_defineversion (Id)
elemental logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_compare (x, y, n_SigFig)
integer function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_get_absorberidx (Atm, AbsorberId)
integer function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_get_pressurelevelidx (Atm, Level_Pressure)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_setlayers (Atmosphere, n_Layers)
integer function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_inquirefile (Filename, n_Channels, n_Profiles)
subroutine inquire_cleanup ()
integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::read_atmosphere_rank1 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, n_Channels, n_Profiles, Debug)
subroutine read_cleanup ()
integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::read_atmosphere_rank2 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, n_Channels, n_Profiles, Debug)
integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::write_atmosphere_rank1 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, Debug)
subroutine write_cleanup ()
integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::write_atmosphere_rank2 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, Debug)
elemental logical function crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_equal (x, y)
elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_add (atm1, atm2)
elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_subtract (atm1, atm2)
integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::read_record (fid, atm, Quiet, Debug)
subroutine read_record_cleanup ()
integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::write_record (fid, atm, Quiet, Debug)
subroutine write_record_cleanup ()


character(*), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::module_version_id = '$Id: CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90 60152 2015-08-13 19:19:13Z paul.vandelst@noaa.gov $'
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n_valid_absorber_ids = 32
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::invalid_absorber_id = 0
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2o_id = 1
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::co2_id = 2
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::o3_id = 3
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n2o_id = 4
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::co_id = 5
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ch4_id = 6
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::o2_id = 7
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::no_id = 8
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::so2_id = 9
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::no2_id = 10
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::nh3_id = 11
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hno3_id = 12
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::oh_id = 13
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hf_id = 14
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hcl_id = 15
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hbr_id = 16
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hi_id = 17
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::clo_id = 18
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ocs_id = 19
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2co_id = 20
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hocl_id = 21
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n2_id = 22
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hcn_id = 23
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ch3l_id = 24
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2o2_id = 25
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::c2h2_id = 26
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::c2h6_id = 27
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ph3_id = 28
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::cof2_id = 29
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::sf6_id = 30
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2s_id = 31
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hcooh_id = 32
character(*), dimension(0:n_valid_absorber_ids), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::absorber_id_name = (/ 'Invalid', 'H2O ', 'CO2 ', 'O3 ', 'N2O ', 'CO ', 'CH4 ', 'O2 ', 'NO ', 'SO2 ', 'NO2 ', 'NH3 ', 'HNO3 ', 'OH ', 'HF ', 'HCl ', 'HBr ', 'HI ', 'ClO ', 'OCS ', 'H2CO ', 'HOCl ', 'N2 ', 'HCN ', 'CH3Cl ', 'H2O2 ', 'C2H2 ', 'C2H6 ', 'PH3 ', 'COF2 ', 'SF6 ', 'H2S ', 'HCOOH ' /)
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n_valid_absorber_units = 10
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::invalid_absorber_units = 0
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::volume_mixing_ratio_units = 1
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::number_density_units = 2
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::mass_mixing_ratio_units = 3
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::mass_density_units = 4
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::partial_pressure_units = 5
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::dewpoint_temperature_k_units = 6
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::dewpoint_temperature_c_units = 7
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::relative_humidity_units = 8
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::specific_amount_units = 9
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::integrated_path_units = 10
character(*), dimension(0:n_valid_absorber_units), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::absorber_units_name = (/ 'Invalid units ', 'Volume mixing ratio, ppmv ', 'Number density, cm^-3 ', 'Mass mixing ratio, g/kg ', 'Mass density, g.m^-3 ', 'Partial pressure, hPa ', 'Dewpoint temperature, K (H2O ONLY)', 'Dewpoint temperature, C (H2O ONLY)', 'Relative humidity, % (H2O ONLY)', 'Specific amount, g/g ', 'Integrated path, mm ' /)
integer, dimension(0:n_valid_absorber_units), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2o_only_units_flag = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 /)
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n_valid_climatology_models = 6
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::invalid_model = 0
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::tropical = 1
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::midlatitude_summer = 2
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::midlatitude_winter = 3
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::subarctic_summer = 4
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::subarctic_winter = 5
integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::us_standard_atmosphere = 6
character(*), dimension(0:n_valid_climatology_models), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::climatology_model_name = (/ 'Invalid ', 'Tropical ', 'Midlatitude summer ', 'Midlatitude winter ', 'Subarctic summer ', 'Subarctic winter ', 'U.S. Standard Atmosphere' /)
real(fp), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::zero = 0.0_fp
real(fp), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::one = 1.0_fp
integer, parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::ml = 256
character(*), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::write_error_status = 'DELETE'

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ absorber_id_ispresent()

logical function crtm_atmosphere_isvalid::absorber_id_ispresent ( integer, intent(in)  Id)

Definition at line 893 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inquire_cleanup()

subroutine crtm_atmosphere_inquirefile::inquire_cleanup ( )

Definition at line 1427 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_cleanup()

subroutine read_atmosphere_rank1::read_cleanup ( )

Definition at line 1624 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_record_cleanup()

subroutine read_record::read_record_cleanup ( )

Definition at line 2392 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write_cleanup()

subroutine write_atmosphere_rank1::write_cleanup ( )

Definition at line 1917 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write_record_cleanup()

subroutine write_record::write_record_cleanup ( )

Definition at line 2507 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function: