FV3 Bundle
crtm_atmosphere_define Module Reference

Data Types

interface  crtm_atmosphere_inspect
interface  crtm_atmosphere_readfile
type  crtm_atmosphere_type
interface  crtm_atmosphere_writefile
interface  operator(+)
interface  operator(-)
interface  operator(==)


elemental logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_associated (Atm)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_destroy (Atm)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_create (Atm, n_Layers, n_Absorbers, n_Clouds, n_Aerosols)
elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function, public crtm_atmosphere_addlayercopy (atm, n_Added_Layers)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_zero (Atmosphere)
logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_isvalid (Atm)
subroutine scalar_inspect (Atm, Unit)
subroutine rank1_inspect (Atmosphere, Unit)
subroutine rank2_inspect (Atmosphere, Unit)
subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_defineversion (Id)
elemental logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_compare (x, y, n_SigFig)
integer function, public crtm_get_absorberidx (Atm, AbsorberId)
integer function, public crtm_get_pressurelevelidx (Atm, Level_Pressure)
elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_setlayers (Atmosphere, n_Layers)
integer function, public crtm_atmosphere_inquirefile (Filename, n_Channels, n_Profiles)
integer function read_atmosphere_rank1 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, n_Channels, n_Profiles, Debug)
integer function read_atmosphere_rank2 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, n_Channels, n_Profiles, Debug)
integer function write_atmosphere_rank1 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, Debug)
integer function write_atmosphere_rank2 (Filename, Atmosphere, Quiet, Debug)
elemental logical function crtm_atmosphere_equal (x, y)
elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function crtm_atmosphere_add (atm1, atm2)
elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function crtm_atmosphere_subtract (atm1, atm2)
integer function read_record (fid, atm, Quiet, Debug)
integer function write_record (fid, atm, Quiet, Debug)


character(*), parameter module_version_id = '$Id: CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90 60152 2015-08-13 19:19:13Z paul.vandelst@noaa.gov $'
integer, parameter, public n_valid_absorber_ids = 32
integer, parameter, public invalid_absorber_id = 0
integer, parameter, public h2o_id = 1
integer, parameter, public co2_id = 2
integer, parameter, public o3_id = 3
integer, parameter, public n2o_id = 4
integer, parameter, public co_id = 5
integer, parameter, public ch4_id = 6
integer, parameter, public o2_id = 7
integer, parameter, public no_id = 8
integer, parameter, public so2_id = 9
integer, parameter, public no2_id = 10
integer, parameter, public nh3_id = 11
integer, parameter, public hno3_id = 12
integer, parameter, public oh_id = 13
integer, parameter, public hf_id = 14
integer, parameter, public hcl_id = 15
integer, parameter, public hbr_id = 16
integer, parameter, public hi_id = 17
integer, parameter, public clo_id = 18
integer, parameter, public ocs_id = 19
integer, parameter, public h2co_id = 20
integer, parameter, public hocl_id = 21
integer, parameter, public n2_id = 22
integer, parameter, public hcn_id = 23
integer, parameter, public ch3l_id = 24
integer, parameter, public h2o2_id = 25
integer, parameter, public c2h2_id = 26
integer, parameter, public c2h6_id = 27
integer, parameter, public ph3_id = 28
integer, parameter, public cof2_id = 29
integer, parameter, public sf6_id = 30
integer, parameter, public h2s_id = 31
integer, parameter, public hcooh_id = 32
character(*), dimension(0:n_valid_absorber_ids), parameter, public absorber_id_name = (/ 'Invalid', 'H2O ', 'CO2 ', 'O3 ', 'N2O ', 'CO ', 'CH4 ', 'O2 ', 'NO ', 'SO2 ', 'NO2 ', 'NH3 ', 'HNO3 ', 'OH ', 'HF ', 'HCl ', 'HBr ', 'HI ', 'ClO ', 'OCS ', 'H2CO ', 'HOCl ', 'N2 ', 'HCN ', 'CH3Cl ', 'H2O2 ', 'C2H2 ', 'C2H6 ', 'PH3 ', 'COF2 ', 'SF6 ', 'H2S ', 'HCOOH ' /)
integer, parameter, public n_valid_absorber_units = 10
integer, parameter, public invalid_absorber_units = 0
integer, parameter, public volume_mixing_ratio_units = 1
integer, parameter, public number_density_units = 2
integer, parameter, public mass_mixing_ratio_units = 3
integer, parameter, public mass_density_units = 4
integer, parameter, public partial_pressure_units = 5
integer, parameter, public dewpoint_temperature_k_units = 6
integer, parameter, public dewpoint_temperature_c_units = 7
integer, parameter, public relative_humidity_units = 8
integer, parameter, public specific_amount_units = 9
integer, parameter, public integrated_path_units = 10
character(*), dimension(0:n_valid_absorber_units), parameter, public absorber_units_name = (/ 'Invalid units ', 'Volume mixing ratio, ppmv ', 'Number density, cm^-3 ', 'Mass mixing ratio, g/kg ', 'Mass density, g.m^-3 ', 'Partial pressure, hPa ', 'Dewpoint temperature, K (H2O ONLY)', 'Dewpoint temperature, C (H2O ONLY)', 'Relative humidity, % (H2O ONLY)', 'Specific amount, g/g ', 'Integrated path, mm ' /)
integer, dimension(0:n_valid_absorber_units), parameter, public h2o_only_units_flag = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 /)
integer, parameter, public n_valid_climatology_models = 6
integer, parameter, public invalid_model = 0
integer, parameter, public tropical = 1
integer, parameter, public midlatitude_summer = 2
integer, parameter, public midlatitude_winter = 3
integer, parameter, public subarctic_summer = 4
integer, parameter, public subarctic_winter = 5
integer, parameter, public us_standard_atmosphere = 6
character(*), dimension(0:n_valid_climatology_models), parameter, public climatology_model_name = (/ 'Invalid ', 'Tropical ', 'Midlatitude summer ', 'Midlatitude winter ', 'Subarctic summer ', 'Subarctic winter ', 'U.S. Standard Atmosphere' /)
real(fp), parameter zero = 0.0_fp
real(fp), parameter one = 1.0_fp
integer, parameter ml = 256
character(*), parameter write_error_status = 'DELETE'

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ crtm_atmosphere_add()

elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_add ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  atm1,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  atm2 

Definition at line 2150 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_addlayercopy()

elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_addlayercopy ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  atm,
integer, intent(in)  n_Added_Layers 

Definition at line 657 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_associated()

elemental logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_associated ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  Atm)

Definition at line 437 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_compare()

elemental logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_compare ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  x,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  y,
integer, intent(in), optional  n_SigFig 

Definition at line 1083 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_create()

elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_create ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(out)  Atm,
integer, intent(in)  n_Layers,
integer, intent(in)  n_Absorbers,
integer, intent(in)  n_Clouds,
integer, intent(in)  n_Aerosols 

Definition at line 542 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_defineversion()

subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_defineversion ( character(*), intent(out)  Id)

Definition at line 1038 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ crtm_atmosphere_destroy()

elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_destroy ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(out)  Atm)

Definition at line 476 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_equal()

elemental logical function crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_equal ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  x,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  y 

Definition at line 2075 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_inquirefile()

integer function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_inquirefile ( character(*), intent(in)  Filename,
integer, intent(out), optional  n_Channels,
integer, intent(out), optional  n_Profiles 

Definition at line 1379 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_isvalid()

logical function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_isvalid ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  Atm)

Definition at line 797 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_setlayers()

elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_setlayers ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(inout)  Atmosphere,
integer, intent(in)  n_Layers 

Definition at line 1292 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_subtract()

elemental type(crtm_atmosphere_type) function crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_subtract ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  atm1,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  atm2 

Definition at line 2230 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crtm_atmosphere_zero()

elemental subroutine, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_atmosphere_zero ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(inout)  Atmosphere)

Definition at line 735 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crtm_get_absorberidx()

integer function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_get_absorberidx ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  Atm,
integer, intent(in)  AbsorberId 

Definition at line 1177 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crtm_get_pressurelevelidx()

integer function, public crtm_atmosphere_define::crtm_get_pressurelevelidx ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  Atm,
real(fp), intent(in)  Level_Pressure 

Definition at line 1236 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rank1_inspect()

subroutine crtm_atmosphere_define::rank1_inspect ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), dimension(:), intent(in)  Atmosphere,
integer, intent(in), optional  Unit 

Definition at line 982 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rank2_inspect()

subroutine crtm_atmosphere_define::rank2_inspect ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  Atmosphere,
integer, intent(in), optional  Unit 

Definition at line 997 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_atmosphere_rank1()

integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::read_atmosphere_rank1 ( character(*), intent(in)  Filename,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable  Atmosphere,
logical, intent(in), optional  Quiet,
integer, intent(out), optional  n_Channels,
integer, intent(out), optional  n_Profiles,
logical, intent(in), optional  Debug 

Definition at line 1530 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_atmosphere_rank2()

integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::read_atmosphere_rank2 ( character(*), intent(in)  Filename,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), dimension(:,:), intent(out), allocatable  Atmosphere,
logical, intent(in), optional  Quiet,
integer, intent(out), optional  n_Channels,
integer, intent(out), optional  n_Profiles,
logical, intent(in), optional  Debug 

Definition at line 1650 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ read_record()

integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::read_record ( integer, intent(in)  fid,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(out)  atm,
logical, intent(in), optional  Quiet,
logical, intent(in), optional  Debug 

Definition at line 2290 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ scalar_inspect()

subroutine crtm_atmosphere_define::scalar_inspect ( type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  Atm,
integer, intent(in), optional  Unit 

Definition at line 934 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_atmosphere_rank1()

integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::write_atmosphere_rank1 ( character(*), intent(in)  Filename,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), dimension(:), intent(in)  Atmosphere,
logical, intent(in), optional  Quiet,
logical, intent(in), optional  Debug 

Definition at line 1837 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write_atmosphere_rank2()

integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::write_atmosphere_rank2 ( character(*), intent(in)  Filename,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  Atmosphere,
logical, intent(in), optional  Quiet,
logical, intent(in), optional  Debug 

Definition at line 1935 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write_record()

integer function crtm_atmosphere_define::write_record ( integer, intent(in)  fid,
type(crtm_atmosphere_type), intent(in)  atm,
logical, intent(in), optional  Quiet,
logical, intent(in), optional  Debug 

Definition at line 2417 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ absorber_id_name

character(*), dimension( 0:n_valid_absorber_ids ), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::absorber_id_name = (/ 'Invalid', 'H2O ', 'CO2 ', 'O3 ', 'N2O ', 'CO ', 'CH4 ', 'O2 ', 'NO ', 'SO2 ', 'NO2 ', 'NH3 ', 'HNO3 ', 'OH ', 'HF ', 'HCl ', 'HBr ', 'HI ', 'ClO ', 'OCS ', 'H2CO ', 'HOCl ', 'N2 ', 'HCN ', 'CH3Cl ', 'H2O2 ', 'C2H2 ', 'C2H6 ', 'PH3 ', 'COF2 ', 'SF6 ', 'H2S ', 'HCOOH ' /)

Definition at line 282 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ absorber_units_name

character(*), dimension( 0:n_valid_absorber_units ), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::absorber_units_name = (/ 'Invalid units ', 'Volume mixing ratio, ppmv ', 'Number density, cm^-3 ', 'Mass mixing ratio, g/kg ', 'Mass density, g.m^-3 ', 'Partial pressure, hPa ', 'Dewpoint temperature, K (H2O ONLY)', 'Dewpoint temperature, C (H2O ONLY)', 'Relative humidity, % (H2O ONLY)', 'Specific amount, g/g ', 'Integrated path, mm ' /)

Definition at line 306 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ c2h2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::c2h2_id = 26

Definition at line 275 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ c2h6_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::c2h6_id = 27

Definition at line 276 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ ch3l_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ch3l_id = 24

Definition at line 273 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ ch4_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ch4_id = 6

Definition at line 255 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ climatology_model_name

character(*), dimension( 0:n_valid_climatology_models ), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::climatology_model_name = (/ 'Invalid ', 'Tropical ', 'Midlatitude summer ', 'Midlatitude winter ', 'Subarctic summer ', 'Subarctic winter ', 'U.S. Standard Atmosphere' /)

Definition at line 340 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ clo_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::clo_id = 18

Definition at line 267 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ co2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::co2_id = 2

Definition at line 251 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ co_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::co_id = 5

Definition at line 254 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ cof2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::cof2_id = 29

Definition at line 278 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ dewpoint_temperature_c_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::dewpoint_temperature_c_units = 7

Definition at line 302 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ dewpoint_temperature_k_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::dewpoint_temperature_k_units = 6

Definition at line 301 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ h2co_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2co_id = 20

Definition at line 269 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ h2o2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2o2_id = 25

Definition at line 274 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ h2o_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2o_id = 1

Definition at line 250 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ h2o_only_units_flag

integer, dimension( 0:n_valid_absorber_units ), parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2o_only_units_flag = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 /)

Definition at line 318 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ h2s_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::h2s_id = 31

Definition at line 280 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hbr_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hbr_id = 16

Definition at line 265 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hcl_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hcl_id = 15

Definition at line 264 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hcn_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hcn_id = 23

Definition at line 272 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hcooh_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hcooh_id = 32

Definition at line 281 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hf_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hf_id = 14

Definition at line 263 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hi_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hi_id = 17

Definition at line 266 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hno3_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hno3_id = 12

Definition at line 261 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ hocl_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::hocl_id = 21

Definition at line 270 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ integrated_path_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::integrated_path_units = 10

Definition at line 305 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ invalid_absorber_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::invalid_absorber_id = 0

Definition at line 249 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ invalid_absorber_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::invalid_absorber_units = 0

Definition at line 295 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ invalid_model

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::invalid_model = 0

Definition at line 333 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ mass_density_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::mass_density_units = 4

Definition at line 299 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ mass_mixing_ratio_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::mass_mixing_ratio_units = 3

Definition at line 298 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ midlatitude_summer

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::midlatitude_summer = 2

Definition at line 335 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ midlatitude_winter

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::midlatitude_winter = 3

Definition at line 336 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ ml

integer, parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::ml = 256

Definition at line 352 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ module_version_id

character(*), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::module_version_id = '$Id: CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90 60152 2015-08-13 19:19:13Z paul.vandelst@noaa.gov $'

Definition at line 244 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ n2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n2_id = 22

Definition at line 271 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ n2o_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n2o_id = 4

Definition at line 253 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ n_valid_absorber_ids

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n_valid_absorber_ids = 32

Definition at line 248 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ n_valid_absorber_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n_valid_absorber_units = 10

Definition at line 294 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ n_valid_climatology_models

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::n_valid_climatology_models = 6

Definition at line 332 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ nh3_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::nh3_id = 11

Definition at line 260 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ no2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::no2_id = 10

Definition at line 259 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ no_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::no_id = 8

Definition at line 257 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ number_density_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::number_density_units = 2

Definition at line 297 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ o2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::o2_id = 7

Definition at line 256 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ o3_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::o3_id = 3

Definition at line 252 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ ocs_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ocs_id = 19

Definition at line 268 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ oh_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::oh_id = 13

Definition at line 262 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ one

real(fp), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::one = 1.0_fp

Definition at line 350 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ partial_pressure_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::partial_pressure_units = 5

Definition at line 300 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ ph3_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::ph3_id = 28

Definition at line 277 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ relative_humidity_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::relative_humidity_units = 8

Definition at line 303 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ sf6_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::sf6_id = 30

Definition at line 279 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ so2_id

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::so2_id = 9

Definition at line 258 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ specific_amount_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::specific_amount_units = 9

Definition at line 304 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ subarctic_summer

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::subarctic_summer = 4

Definition at line 337 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ subarctic_winter

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::subarctic_winter = 5

Definition at line 338 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ tropical

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::tropical = 1

Definition at line 334 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ us_standard_atmosphere

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::us_standard_atmosphere = 6

Definition at line 339 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ volume_mixing_ratio_units

integer, parameter, public crtm_atmosphere_define::volume_mixing_ratio_units = 1

Definition at line 296 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ write_error_status

character(*), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::write_error_status = 'DELETE'

Definition at line 354 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.

◆ zero

real(fp), parameter crtm_atmosphere_define::zero = 0.0_fp

Definition at line 349 of file CRTM_Atmosphere_Define.f90.