FV3 Bundle
ufo_geovals_mod.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geoval
 type to hold interpolated field for one variable, one observation More...
type  ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals
 type to hold interpolated fields required by the obs operators More...


module  ufo_geovals_mod


subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_init (self)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_setup (self, vars, nobs)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_delete (self)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_get_var (self, varname, geoval, status)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_allocone (self)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_zero (self)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_abs (self)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_rms (self, vrms)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_random (self)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_scalmult (self, zz)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_assign (self, rhs)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_add (self, other)
 Sum of two GeoVaLs objects. More...
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_diff (self, other)
 Difference between two GeoVaLs objects. More...
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_copy (self, other)
 Copy one GeoVaLs object into another. More...
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_analytic_init (self, locs, ic)
 Initialize a GeoVaLs object based on an analytic state. More...
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_normalize (self, other)
 Normalization of one GeoVaLs object by another. More...
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_dotprod (self, other, gprod)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_minmaxavg (self, kobs, pmin, pmax, prms)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_maxloc (self, mxval, iobs, ivar)
 Location where the summed geovals value is maximum. More...
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_read_netcdf (self, filename, vars)
subroutine, public ufo_geovals_mod::ufo_geovals_print (self, iobs)


integer, parameter ufo_geovals_mod::max_string =800