FV3 Bundle
ufo_aod_mod.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  ufo_aod_mod::ufo_aod
 Fortran derived type for aod trajectory. More...


module  ufo_aod_mod
 Fortran module to handle aod observations.


subroutine ufo_aod_mod::ufo_aod_simobs (self, geovals, hofx, obss)
subroutine load_atm_data ()
subroutine load_aerosol_data ()
real(fp) function gocart_aerosol_size (itype, eh)
subroutine genqsat (qsat, tsen, prsl, nsig, ice)


integer, parameter ufo_aod_mod::max_string =800
logical, parameter ufo_aod_mod::ice4qsat =.TRUE.
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::ttp = 2.7316e+2_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::psat = 6.1078e+2_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::rd = 2.8705e+2_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::rv = 4.6150e+2_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::cv = 7.1760e+2_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::cliq = 4.1855e+3_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::csol = 2.1060e+3_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::cvap = 1.8460e+3_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::hvap = 2.5000e+6_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::hfus = 3.3358e+5_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::grav = 9.81_fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::tmix = ttp-20._fp
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::hsub = hvap+hfus
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::eps = rd/rv
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::omeps =one-eps
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::dldt =cvap-cliq
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::dldti = cvap-csol
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::xa = -(dldt/rv)
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::xai = -(dldti/rv)
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::xb = xa+hvap/(rv*ttp)
real(fp), parameter ufo_aod_mod::xbi = xai+hsub/(rv*ttp)
logical ufo_aod_mod::flip_vertical

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ genqsat()

subroutine ufo_aod_simobs::genqsat ( real(fp), dimension(nsig), intent(out)  qsat,
real(fp), dimension(nsig), intent(in)  tsen,
real(fp), dimension(nsig), intent(in)  prsl,
integer, intent(in)  nsig,
logical, intent(in)  ice 

Definition at line 715 of file ufo_aod_mod.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gocart_aerosol_size()

real(fp) function ufo_aod_simobs::gocart_aerosol_size ( integer, intent(in)  itype,
real(fp), intent(in)  eh 

Definition at line 675 of file ufo_aod_mod.F90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_aerosol_data()

subroutine ufo_aod_simobs::load_aerosol_data ( )

Definition at line 504 of file ufo_aod_mod.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_atm_data()

subroutine ufo_aod_simobs::load_atm_data ( )

Definition at line 422 of file ufo_aod_mod.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: