FV3 Bundle
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1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ! Module: tools_const
3 ! Purpose: define usual constants and missing values
4 ! Author: Benjamin Menetrier
5 ! Licensing: this code is distributed under the CeCILL-C license
6 ! Copyright © 2015-... UCAR, CERFACS, METEO-FRANCE and IRIT
7 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
8 module tools_const
10 use tools_kinds, only: kind_real
12 implicit none
14 ! Constants
15 real(kind_real),parameter :: pi = acos(-1.0_kind_real) ! Pi
16 real(kind_real),parameter :: deg2rad = pi/180.0_kind_real ! Degree to radian
17 real(kind_real),parameter :: rad2deg = 180.0_kind_real/pi ! Radian to degree
18 real(kind_real),parameter :: req = 6371229.0_kind_real ! Earth radius
19 real(kind_real),parameter :: reqkm = 6371.229_kind_real ! Earth radius
20 real(kind_real),parameter :: ps = 101325.0_kind_real ! Reference surface pressure
22 ! Missing values
23 integer,parameter :: msvali = -999 ! Integer missing value
24 real(kind_real),parameter :: msvalr = -999.0_kind_real ! Real missing value
26 private
29 end module tools_const
real(kind_real), parameter, public rad2deg
Definition: tools_const.F90:17
integer, parameter, public msvali
Definition: tools_const.F90:23
real(kind_real), parameter, public msvalr
Definition: tools_const.F90:24
real(kind_real), parameter, public deg2rad
Definition: tools_const.F90:16
real(kind=kind_real), parameter req
Earth radius at equator (m)
integer, parameter, public kind_real
real(kind_real), parameter, public ps
Definition: tools_const.F90:20
real(fp), parameter, public pi
real(kind_real), parameter, public reqkm
Definition: tools_const.F90:19