FV3 Bundle
sw_core_tlm.F90 File Reference

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module  sw_core_tlm_mod


subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::c_sw_tlm (delpc, delpc_tl, delp, delp_tl, ptc, ptc_tl, pt, pt_tl, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, w, w_tl, uc, uc_tl, vc, vc_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, wc, wc_tl, ut, ut_tl, vt, vt_tl, divg_d, divg_d_tl, nord, dt2, hydrostatic, dord4, bd, gridstruct, flagstruct)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::c_sw (delpc, delp, ptc, pt, u, v, w, uc, vc, ua, va, wc, ut, vt, divg_d, nord, dt2, hydrostatic, dord4, bd, gridstruct, flagstruct)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::d_sw_tlm (delpc, delpc_tl, delp, delp_tl, ptc, ptc_tl, pt, pt_tl, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, w, w_tl, uc, uc_tl, vc, vc_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, divg_d, divg_d_tl, xflux, xflux_tl, yflux, yflux_tl, cx, cx_tl, cy, cy_tl, crx_adv, crx_adv_tl, cry_adv, cry_adv_tl, xfx_adv, xfx_adv_tl, yfx_adv, yfx_adv_tl, q_con, z_rat, z_rat_tl, kgb, heat_source, heat_source_tl, dpx, dpx_tl, zvir, sphum, nq, q, q_tl, k, km, inline_q, dt, hord_tr, hord_mt, hord_vt, hord_tm, hord_dp, nord, nord_v, nord_w, nord_t, dddmp, d2_bg, d4_bg, damp_v, damp_w, damp_t, d_con, hydrostatic, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd, hord_tr_pert, hord_mt_pert, hord_vt_pert, hord_tm_pert, hord_dp_pert, split_damp, nord_pert, nord_v_pert, nord_w_pert, nord_t_pert, dddmp_pert, d2_bg_pert, d4_bg_pert, damp_v_pert, damp_w_pert, damp_t_pert)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::d_sw (delpc, delp, ptc, pt, u, v, w, uc, vc, ua, va, divg_d, xflux, yflux, cx, cy, crx_adv, cry_adv, xfx_adv, yfx_adv, q_con, z_rat, kgb, heat_source, dpx, zvir, sphum, nq, q, k, km, inline_q, dt, hord_tr, hord_mt, hord_vt, hord_tm, hord_dp, nord, nord_v, nord_w, nord_t, dddmp, d2_bg, d4_bg, damp_v, damp_w, damp_t, d_con, hydrostatic, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd, hord_tr_pert, hord_mt_pert, hord_vt_pert, hord_tm_pert, hord_dp_pert, split_damp, nord_pert, nord_v_pert, nord_w_pert, nord_t_pert, dddmp_pert, d2_bg_pert, d4_bg_pert, damp_v_pert, damp_w_pert, damp_t_pert)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::del6_vt_flux_tlm (nord, npx, npy, damp, q, q_tl, d2, d2_tl, fx2, fx2_tl, fy2, fy2_tl, gridstruct, bd)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::del6_vt_flux (nord, npx, npy, damp, q, d2, fx2, fy2, gridstruct, bd)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::divergence_corner_tlm (u, u_tl, v, v_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, divg_d, divg_d_tl, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::divergence_corner (u, v, ua, va, divg_d, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::divergence_corner_nest_tlm (u, u_tl, v, v_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, divg_d, divg_d_tl, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::divergence_corner_nest (u, v, ua, va, divg_d, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::xtp_u (is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, c, u, v, flux, iord, dx, rdx, npx, npy, grid_type, nested)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::ytp_v (is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, c, u, v, flux, jord, dy, rdy, npx, npy, grid_type, nested)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::d2a2c_vect_tlm (u, u_tl, v, v_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, uc, uc_tl, vc, vc_tl, ut, ut_tl, vt, vt_tl, dord4, gridstruct, bd, npx, npy, nested, grid_type)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::d2a2c_vect (u, v, ua, va, uc, vc, ut, vt, dord4, gridstruct, bd, npx, npy, nested, grid_type)
real function sw_core_tlm_mod::edge_interpolate4_tlm (ua, ua_tl, dxa, edge_interpolate4)
real function sw_core_tlm_mod::edge_interpolate4 (ua, dxa)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::fill3_4corners (q1, q2, q3, dir, bd, npx, npy, sw_corner, se_corner, ne_corner, nw_corner)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::fill2_4corners_tlm (q1, q1_tl, q2, q2_tl, dir, bd, npx, npy, sw_corner, se_corner, ne_corner, nw_corner)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::fill2_4corners (q1, q2, dir, bd, npx, npy, sw_corner, se_corner, ne_corner, nw_corner)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::fill_4corners_tlm (q, q_tl, dir, bd, npx, npy, sw_corner, se_corner, ne_corner, nw_corner)
subroutine, public sw_core_tlm_mod::fill_4corners (q, dir, bd, npx, npy, sw_corner, se_corner, ne_corner, nw_corner)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::xtp_u_tlm (is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, c, c_tl, u, u_tl, v, flux, flux_tl, iord, dx, rdx, npx, npy, grid_type, nested)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::ytp_v_tlm (is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, c, c_tl, u, v, v_tl, flux, flux_tl, jord, dy, rdy, npx, npy, grid_type, nested)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::compute_divergence_damping (nord, d2_bg, d4_bg, dddmp, dt, vort, ptc, delpc, ke, u, v, uc, vc, ua, va, divg_d, wk, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::smag_corner (dt, u, v, ua, va, smag_c, bd, npx, npy, gridstruct, ng)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::compute_divergence_damping_tlm (nord, d2_bg, d4_bg, dddmp, dt, vort, vort_tl, ptc, ptc_tl, delpc, delpc_tl, ke, ke_tl, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, uc, uc_tl, vc, vc_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, divg_d, divg_d_tl, wk, wk_tl, gridstruct, flagstruct, bd)
subroutine sw_core_tlm_mod::smag_corner_tlm (dt, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, ua, va, smag_c, smag_c_tl, bd, npx, npy, gridstruct, ng)


real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::r3 = 1./3.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::t11 =27./28.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::t12 =-13./28.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::t13 =3./7.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::t14 =6./7.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::t15 =3./28.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::s11 =11./14.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::s13 =-13./14.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::s14 =4./7.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::s15 =3./14.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::near_zero = 1.E-9
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::big_number = 1.E30
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::p1 = 7./12.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::p2 = -1./12.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::a1 = 0.5625
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::a2 = -0.0625
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::c1 = -2./14.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::c2 = 11./14.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::c3 = 5./14.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::b1 = 1./30.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::b2 = -13./60.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::b3 = -13./60.
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::b4 = 0.45
real, parameter sw_core_tlm_mod::b5 = -0.05