FV3 Bundle
qg_fields.F90 File Reference
#include "oops/util/linkedList_i.f"
#include "oops/util/linkedList_c.f"
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Data Types

type  qg_fields::qg_field
 Fortran derived type to hold QG fields. More...


module  qg_fields
 Handle fields for the QG model.


#define LISTED_TYPE   qg_field


subroutine, public qg_fields::create (self, geom, vars)
 Linked list implementation. More...
subroutine, public qg_fields::delete (self)
subroutine, public qg_fields::zeros (self)
subroutine, public qg_fields::dirac (self, c_conf)
subroutine, public qg_fields::random (self)
subroutine, public qg_fields::copy (self, rhs)
subroutine, public qg_fields::self_add (self, rhs)
subroutine, public qg_fields::self_schur (self, rhs)
subroutine, public qg_fields::self_sub (self, rhs)
subroutine, public qg_fields::self_mul (self, zz)
subroutine, public qg_fields::axpy (self, zz, rhs)
subroutine, public qg_fields::dot_prod (fld1, fld2, zprod)
subroutine, public qg_fields::add_incr (self, rhs)
subroutine, public qg_fields::diff_incr (lhs, x1, x2)
subroutine, public qg_fields::change_resol (fld, rhs)
subroutine, public qg_fields::read_file (fld, c_conf, vdate)
subroutine, public qg_fields::analytic_init (fld, geom, config, vdate)
 Analytic Initialization for the QG model. More...
subroutine qg_fields::calc_streamfunction (kx, ky, x, u, v, dx, dy)
 Calculate Streamfunction from u and v. More...
subroutine qg_fields::deriv_1d (df, f, n, delta, periodic)
 Finite Difference Derivative. More...
subroutine, public qg_fields::write_file (fld, c_conf, vdate)
subroutine, public qg_fields::gpnorm (fld, nf, pstat)
subroutine, public qg_fields::fldrms (fld, prms)
subroutine, public qg_fields::interp_tl (fld, locs, vars, gom)
subroutine, public qg_fields::interp_ad (fld, locs, vars, gom)
subroutine qg_fields::lin_weights (kk, delta1, delta2, k1, k2, w1, w2)
subroutine qg_fields::ug_size (self, ug)
subroutine, public qg_fields::ug_coord (self, ug, colocated)
subroutine, public qg_fields::field_to_ug (self, ug, colocated)
subroutine, public qg_fields::field_from_ug (self, ug)
character(len=length) function qg_fields::genfilename (c_conf, length, vdate)
integer function qg_fields::common_vars (x1, x2)
subroutine qg_fields::check_resolution (x1, x2)
subroutine qg_fields::check (self)
subroutine qg_fields::ncerr (info)


logical qg_fields::netcdfio = .true.
type(registry_t), public qg_fields::qg_field_registry
 Linked list interface - defines registry_t type. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LISTED_TYPE   qg_field