FV3 Bundle
type_geom Module Reference

Data Types

type  geom_type


subroutine geom_alloc (geom)
subroutine geom_dealloc (geom)
subroutine geom_setup_online (geom, mpl, rng, nam, nmga, nl0, lon, lat, area, vunit, lmask)
subroutine geom_find_sc0 (geom, mpl, rng, lon, lat, lmask, red_check, mask_check, mask_del)
subroutine geom_init (geom, mpl, rng, nam)
subroutine geom_define_mask (geom, mpl, nam)
subroutine geom_compute_area (geom, mpl)
subroutine geom_define_dirac (geom, nam)
subroutine geom_define_distribution (geom, mpl, nam, rng)
subroutine geom_check_arc (geom, il0, lon_s, lat_s, lon_e, lat_e, valid)
subroutine geom_copy_c0a_to_mga (geom, mpl, fld_c0a, fld_mga)
subroutine geom_copy_mga_to_c0a (geom, mpl, fld_mga, fld_c0a)
subroutine geom_compute_deltas (geom, ic0, il0, jc0, jl0, dx, dy, dz)


integer, parameter nredmax = 10
real(kind_real), parameter distminred = 1.0e-12
logical, parameter test_no_point = .false.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ geom_alloc()

subroutine type_geom::geom_alloc ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom)

Definition at line 134 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ geom_check_arc()

subroutine type_geom::geom_check_arc ( class(geom_type), intent(in)  geom,
integer, intent(in)  il0,
real(kind_real), intent(in)  lon_s,
real(kind_real), intent(in)  lat_s,
real(kind_real), intent(in)  lon_e,
real(kind_real), intent(in)  lat_e,
logical, intent(out)  valid 

Definition at line 1137 of file type_geom.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ geom_compute_area()

subroutine type_geom::geom_compute_area ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(in)  mpl 

Definition at line 798 of file type_geom.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ geom_compute_deltas()

subroutine type_geom::geom_compute_deltas ( class(geom_type), intent(in)  geom,
integer, intent(in)  ic0,
integer, intent(in)  il0,
integer, intent(in)  jc0,
integer, intent(in)  jl0,
real(kind_real), intent(out)  dx,
real(kind_real), intent(out)  dy,
real(kind_real), intent(out)  dz 

Definition at line 1279 of file type_geom.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ geom_copy_c0a_to_mga()

subroutine type_geom::geom_copy_c0a_to_mga ( class(geom_type), intent(in)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(in)  mpl,
real(kind_real), dimension(geom%nc0a,geom%nl0), intent(in)  fld_c0a,
real(kind_real), dimension(geom%nmga,geom%nl0), intent(out)  fld_mga 

Definition at line 1188 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ geom_copy_mga_to_c0a()

subroutine type_geom::geom_copy_mga_to_c0a ( class(geom_type), intent(in)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(in)  mpl,
real(kind_real), dimension(geom%nmga,geom%nl0), intent(in)  fld_mga,
real(kind_real), dimension(geom%nc0a,geom%nl0), intent(out)  fld_c0a 

Definition at line 1214 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ geom_dealloc()

subroutine type_geom::geom_dealloc ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom)

Definition at line 179 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ geom_define_dirac()

subroutine type_geom::geom_define_dirac ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom,
type(nam_type), intent(in)  nam 

Definition at line 833 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ geom_define_distribution()

subroutine type_geom::geom_define_distribution ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(inout)  mpl,
type(nam_type), intent(in)  nam,
type(rng_type), intent(inout)  rng 

Definition at line 893 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ geom_define_mask()

subroutine type_geom::geom_define_mask ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(in)  mpl,
type(nam_type), intent(in)  nam 

Definition at line 729 of file type_geom.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ geom_find_sc0()

subroutine type_geom::geom_find_sc0 ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(in)  mpl,
type(rng_type), intent(inout)  rng,
real(kind_real), dimension(geom%nmg), intent(in)  lon,
real(kind_real), dimension(geom%nmg), intent(in)  lat,
logical, dimension(geom%nmg,geom%nl0), intent(in)  lmask,
logical, intent(in)  red_check,
logical, intent(in)  mask_check,
logical, intent(in)  mask_del 

Definition at line 440 of file type_geom.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ geom_init()

subroutine type_geom::geom_init ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(in)  mpl,
type(rng_type), intent(inout)  rng,
type(nam_type), intent(in)  nam 

Definition at line 643 of file type_geom.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ geom_setup_online()

subroutine type_geom::geom_setup_online ( class(geom_type), intent(inout)  geom,
type(mpl_type), intent(inout)  mpl,
type(rng_type), intent(inout)  rng,
type(nam_type), intent(in)  nam,
integer, intent(in)  nmga,
integer, intent(in)  nl0,
real(kind_real), dimension(nmga), intent(in)  lon,
real(kind_real), dimension(nmga), intent(in)  lat,
real(kind_real), dimension(nmga), intent(in)  area,
real(kind_real), dimension(nmga,nl0), intent(in)  vunit,
logical, dimension(nmga,nl0), intent(in)  lmask 

Definition at line 230 of file type_geom.F90.

Variable Documentation

◆ distminred

real(kind_real), parameter type_geom::distminred = 1.0e-12

Definition at line 29 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ nredmax

integer, parameter type_geom::nredmax = 10

Definition at line 28 of file type_geom.F90.

◆ test_no_point

logical, parameter type_geom::test_no_point = .false.

Definition at line 30 of file type_geom.F90.