FV3 Bundle
read_aod_diag Module Reference

Data Types

type  diag_data_chan_list_aod
type  diag_data_fix_list_aod
type  diag_data_name_list_aod
type  diag_header_chan_list_aod
type  diag_header_fix_list_aod
interface  get_aoddiag
interface  set_aoddiag


subroutine set_aoddiag_int_ (what, iv, ier)
subroutine get_aoddiag_int_ (what, iv, ier)
subroutine, public set_netcdf_read_aod (use_netcdf)
subroutine, public read_aoddiag_header (ftin, header_fix, header_chan, data_name, iflag, lverbose)
subroutine read_aoddiag_header_nc (ftin, header_fix, header_chan, data_name, iflag, lverbose)
subroutine read_aoddiag_header_bin (ftin, header_fix, header_chan, data_name, iflag, lverbose)
subroutine, public read_aoddiag_data (ftin, header_fix, data_fix, data_chan, iflag)
subroutine, public read_all_aoddiag (ftin, header_fix, all_data_fix, all_data_chan, nlocs, iflag)
subroutine read_aoddiag_data_nc_init (ftin, header_fix)
subroutine read_aoddiag_data_nc (ftin, header_fix, data_fix, data_chan, iflag)
subroutine read_aoddiag_data_bin (ftin, header_fix, data_fix, data_chan, iflag)


integer(i_kind), parameter, public ireal_aod = 6
integer(i_kind), parameter, public ipchan_aod = 4
real(r_kind), parameter rmiss_aoddiag = -9.9e11_r_kind
logical, save netcdf = .FALSE.
logical, save nc_read = .FALSE.
integer, save cur_ob_idx = -9999
integer, save num_records = -9999
type(diag_data_fix_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable, save all_data_fix
type(diag_data_chan_list_aod), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save all_data_chan

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_aoddiag_int_()

subroutine read_aod_diag::get_aoddiag_int_ ( character(len=*), intent(in)  what,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iv,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  ier 

Definition at line 142 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ read_all_aoddiag()

subroutine, public read_aod_diag::read_all_aoddiag ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(in)  header_fix,
type(diag_data_fix_list_aod), dimension(:), intent(inout), allocatable  all_data_fix,
type(diag_data_chan_list_aod), dimension(:,:), intent(inout), allocatable  all_data_chan,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  nlocs,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iflag 

Definition at line 471 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ read_aoddiag_data()

subroutine, public read_aod_diag::read_aoddiag_data ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(in)  header_fix,
type(diag_data_fix_list_aod), intent(out)  data_fix,
type(diag_data_chan_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable  data_chan,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iflag 

Definition at line 415 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_aoddiag_data_bin()

subroutine read_aod_diag::read_aoddiag_data_bin ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(in)  header_fix,
type(diag_data_fix_list_aod), intent(out)  data_fix,
type(diag_data_chan_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable  data_chan,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iflag 

Definition at line 720 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_aoddiag_data_nc()

subroutine read_aod_diag::read_aoddiag_data_nc ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(in)  header_fix,
type(diag_data_fix_list_aod), intent(out)  data_fix,
type(diag_data_chan_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable  data_chan,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iflag 

Definition at line 677 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_aoddiag_data_nc_init()

subroutine read_aod_diag::read_aoddiag_data_nc_init ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(in)  header_fix 

Definition at line 574 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_aoddiag_header()

subroutine, public read_aod_diag::read_aoddiag_header ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(out)  header_fix,
type(diag_header_chan_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable  header_chan,
type(diag_data_name_list_aod data_name,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iflag,
logical, intent(in), optional  lverbose 

Definition at line 173 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_aoddiag_header_bin()

subroutine read_aod_diag::read_aoddiag_header_bin ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(out)  header_fix,
type(diag_header_chan_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable  header_chan,
type(diag_data_name_list_aod data_name,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iflag,
logical, intent(in), optional  lverbose 

Definition at line 302 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_aoddiag_header_nc()

subroutine read_aod_diag::read_aoddiag_header_nc ( integer(i_kind), intent(in)  ftin,
type(diag_header_fix_list_aod ), intent(out)  header_fix,
type(diag_header_chan_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable  header_chan,
type(diag_data_name_list_aod data_name,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  iflag,
logical, intent(in), optional  lverbose 

Definition at line 218 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_aoddiag_int_()

subroutine read_aod_diag::set_aoddiag_int_ ( character(len=*), intent(in)  what,
integer(i_kind), intent(in)  iv,
integer(i_kind), intent(out)  ier 

Definition at line 135 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ set_netcdf_read_aod()

subroutine, public read_aod_diag::set_netcdf_read_aod ( logical, intent(in)  use_netcdf)

Definition at line 149 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

Variable Documentation

◆ all_data_chan

type(diag_data_chan_list_aod), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save read_aod_diag::all_data_chan

Definition at line 130 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ all_data_fix

type(diag_data_fix_list_aod), dimension(:), allocatable, save read_aod_diag::all_data_fix

Definition at line 129 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ cur_ob_idx

integer, save read_aod_diag::cur_ob_idx = -9999

Definition at line 126 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ ipchan_aod

integer(i_kind), parameter, public read_aod_diag::ipchan_aod = 4

Definition at line 69 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ ireal_aod

integer(i_kind), parameter, public read_aod_diag::ireal_aod = 6

Definition at line 68 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ nc_read

logical, save read_aod_diag::nc_read = .FALSE.

Definition at line 125 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ netcdf

logical, save read_aod_diag::netcdf = .FALSE.

Definition at line 124 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ num_records

integer, save read_aod_diag::num_records = -9999

Definition at line 127 of file read_aod_diag.f90.

◆ rmiss_aoddiag

real(r_kind), parameter read_aod_diag::rmiss_aoddiag = -9.9e11_r_kind

Definition at line 122 of file read_aod_diag.f90.