FV3 Bundle
TLM_vs_NLM Namespace Reference


bool saveFigs = True
string date = '20181004'
string time = '000000'
list fields_geos = ['ua','va','t','delp','q','qi','ql','o3mr']
list fields_gfs = ['ua','va','T','Ps','sphum','ice_wat','liq_wat','o3mr']
list kind_gfs = ['fv_core','fv_core','fv_core','fv_core','fv_tracer','fv_tracer','fv_tracer','fv_tracer']
 nm = len(fields_geos)
string nl_type = 'geos'
string nl1 = '../INPUTS/GEOS_c180/H21/GEOS.traj.c180.eta.'+date+'_'+time[0:4]+'z.nc4'
string nl2 = '../INPUTS/GEOS_c180/H15/GEOS.traj.c180.eta.'+date+'_'+time[0:4]+'z.nc4'
string tlm_type = 'gfs'
string tlm = date+'.'+time+'.linearforecast.final.KIND.res.tileXX.nc'
 tmp = re.sub("XX", str(1), nl1)
 fh_nl1 = Dataset(tmp, mode='r')
string nl_xid = 'xaxis_1'
string nl_yid = 'yaxis_1'
string nl_zid = 'zaxis_1'
 im = len(fh_nl1.dimensions[nl_xid])
 jm = len(fh_nl1.dimensions[nl_yid])
 lm = len(fh_nl1.dimensions[nl_zid])
int jm_gfs = jm/6
 x_nlm = np.zeros(im*jm*lm*nm).reshape(nm,lm,jm,im)
 x_tlm = np.zeros(im*jm*lm*nm).reshape(nm,lm,jm,im)
list fields = fields_gfs
 fh_nl2 = Dataset(nl2, mode='r')
 filetile1 = re.sub("XX", str(tile+1), tlm)
 filetile = re.sub("KIND", kind_gfs[i], filetile1)
 fh_tlm = Dataset(filetile, mode = 'r')
int js = tile*jm_gfs
tuple je = (tile+1)*jm_gfs
 corr_tlm = np.zeros(lm*nm).reshape(nm,lm)
 c1 = np.corrcoef(np.reshape(x_tlm[i,j,:,:],(im*jm,)),np.reshape(x_nlm[i,j,:,:],(im*jm,)))
int rangeup1 = 0
int rangeup2 = 0

Variable Documentation

◆ ax


Definition at line 112 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ c1

TLM_vs_NLM.c1 = np.corrcoef(np.reshape(x_tlm[i,j,:,:],(im*jm,)),np.reshape(x_nlm[i,j,:,:],(im*jm,)))

Definition at line 117 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ color


Definition at line 128 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ corr_tlm

TLM_vs_NLM.corr_tlm = np.zeros(lm*nm).reshape(nm,lm)

Definition at line 114 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ date

string TLM_vs_NLM.date = '20181004'

Definition at line 10 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ f


Definition at line 112 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ fh_nl1

TLM_vs_NLM.fh_nl1 = Dataset(tmp, mode='r')

Definition at line 30 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ fh_nl2

TLM_vs_NLM.fh_nl2 = Dataset(nl2, mode='r')

Definition at line 68 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ fh_tlm

TLM_vs_NLM.fh_tlm = Dataset(filetile, mode = 'r')

Definition at line 93 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ fields

list TLM_vs_NLM.fields = fields_gfs

Definition at line 63 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ fields_geos

list TLM_vs_NLM.fields_geos = ['ua','va','t','delp','q','qi','ql','o3mr']

Definition at line 13 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ fields_gfs

list TLM_vs_NLM.fields_gfs = ['ua','va','T','Ps','sphum','ice_wat','liq_wat','o3mr']

Definition at line 14 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ figsize


Definition at line 112 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ filetile

TLM_vs_NLM.filetile = re.sub("KIND", kind_gfs[i], filetile1)

Definition at line 91 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ filetile1

TLM_vs_NLM.filetile1 = re.sub("XX", str(tile+1), tlm)

Definition at line 90 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ im

TLM_vs_NLM.im = len(fh_nl1.dimensions[nl_xid])

Definition at line 47 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ je

tuple TLM_vs_NLM.je = (tile+1)*jm_gfs

Definition at line 96 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ jm

int TLM_vs_NLM.jm = len(fh_nl1.dimensions[nl_yid])

Definition at line 48 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ jm_gfs

int TLM_vs_NLM.jm_gfs = jm/6

Definition at line 54 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ js

int TLM_vs_NLM.js = tile*jm_gfs

Definition at line 95 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ kind_gfs

list TLM_vs_NLM.kind_gfs = ['fv_core','fv_core','fv_core','fv_core','fv_tracer','fv_tracer','fv_tracer','fv_tracer']

Definition at line 16 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ lm

TLM_vs_NLM.lm = len(fh_nl1.dimensions[nl_zid])

Definition at line 49 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ nl1

string TLM_vs_NLM.nl1 = '../INPUTS/GEOS_c180/H21/GEOS.traj.c180.eta.'+date+'_'+time[0:4]+'z.nc4'

Definition at line 21 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ nl2

string TLM_vs_NLM.nl2 = '../INPUTS/GEOS_c180/H15/GEOS.traj.c180.eta.'+date+'_'+time[0:4]+'z.nc4'

Definition at line 22 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ nl_type

string TLM_vs_NLM.nl_type = 'geos'

Definition at line 20 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ nl_xid

string TLM_vs_NLM.nl_xid = 'xaxis_1'

Definition at line 39 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ nl_yid

string TLM_vs_NLM.nl_yid = 'yaxis_1'

Definition at line 40 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ nl_zid

string TLM_vs_NLM.nl_zid = 'zaxis_1'

Definition at line 41 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ nm

TLM_vs_NLM.nm = len(fields_geos)

Definition at line 18 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ rangeup1

int TLM_vs_NLM.rangeup1 = 0

Definition at line 121 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ rangeup2

int TLM_vs_NLM.rangeup2 = 0

Definition at line 122 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ saveFigs

bool TLM_vs_NLM.saveFigs = True

Definition at line 8 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ time

string TLM_vs_NLM.time = '000000'

Definition at line 11 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ tlm

string TLM_vs_NLM.tlm = date+'.'+time+'.linearforecast.final.KIND.res.tileXX.nc'

Definition at line 25 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ tlm_type

string TLM_vs_NLM.tlm_type = 'gfs'

Definition at line 24 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ tmp

TLM_vs_NLM.tmp = re.sub("XX", str(1), nl1)

Definition at line 29 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ x_nlm

TLM_vs_NLM.x_nlm = np.zeros(im*jm*lm*nm).reshape(nm,lm,jm,im)

Definition at line 58 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.

◆ x_tlm

TLM_vs_NLM.x_tlm = np.zeros(im*jm*lm*nm).reshape(nm,lm,jm,im)

Definition at line 59 of file TLM_vs_NLM.py.