FV3 Bundle
ioda_obsdb_mod.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb
 Fortran derived type to hold a set of observation variables. More...


module  ioda_obsdb_mod
 Fortran module handling radiosonde observation space.


subroutine, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_setup (self, fvlen, nobs, dist_indx, nlocs, nvars, filename, fileout, obstype)
subroutine, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_delete (self)
subroutine, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_getlocs (self, locs, t1, t2)
subroutine ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_getvar (self, vname, vptr)
subroutine, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_get_vec (self, vname, vdata)
subroutine, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_put_vec (self, vname, vdata)
subroutine, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_generate (self, fvlen, nobs, dist_indx, nlocs, nvars, obstype, lat, lon1, lon2)
subroutine, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_var_to_ovec (self, ovec, vname)
subroutine ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_write (self)
subroutine ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_dump (self)
subroutine ioda_obsdb_mod::check (action, status)
integer function, public ioda_obsdb_mod::ioda_obsdb_get_ftype (fname)


integer, parameter ioda_obsdb_mod::max_string =800