FV3 Bundle
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1 ! (C) Copyright 2009-2016 ECMWF.
2 !
3 ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
4 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
5 ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
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9 !> Invert potential vorticity - Tangent Linear
11 subroutine invert_pv_tl (x,pv,nx,ny,deltax,deltay,F1,F2)
13 !--- invert potential vorticity to get streamfunction
15 use kinds
17 implicit none
18 integer, intent(in) :: nx !< Zonal grid dimension
19 integer, intent(in) :: ny !< Meridional grid dimension
20 real(kind=kind_real), intent(out) :: x(nx,ny,2) !< Streamfunction increment
21 real(kind=kind_real), intent(in) :: pv(nx,ny,2) !< Potential vorticity increment
22 real(kind=kind_real), intent(in) :: deltax !< Zonal grid spacing (non-dimensional)
23 real(kind=kind_real), intent(in) :: deltay !< Meridional grid spacing (non-dimensional)
24 real(kind=kind_real), intent(in) :: F1 !< Coefficient in PV operator
25 real(kind=kind_real), intent(in) :: F2 !< Coefficient in PV operator
27 !--- Solve the elliptic system
29 call solve_elliptic_system (x,pv,nx,ny,deltax,deltay,f1,f2)
31 end subroutine invert_pv_tl
subroutine invert_pv_tl(x, pv, nx, ny, deltax, deltay, F1, F2)
Invert potential vorticity - Tangent Linear.
subroutine solve_elliptic_system(x, pv, nx, ny, deltax, deltay, F1, F2)
Solves the elliptic system that arises when inverting potential vorticity.