FV3 Bundle
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1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5 !*
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14 !* for more details.
15 !*
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 !***********************************************************************
20 if( group%k_loop_inside ) then
21 !$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(nunpack,group,nscalar,ptr,nvector,ksize,buffer_start_pos) &
22 !$OMP private(buffer_pos,pos,m,is, ie, js, je,rotation, &
23 !$OMP ptr_field, ptr_fieldx, ptr_fieldy, n,k )
24  do n = nunpack, 1, -1
25  buffer_pos = group%unpack_buffer_pos(n) + buffer_start_pos
26  pos = buffer_pos
27  is = group%unpack_is(n); ie = group%unpack_ie(n)
28  js = group%unpack_js(n); je = group%unpack_je(n)
29  if( group%unpack_type(n) == FIELD_S ) then
30  do l=1,nscalar ! loop over number of fields
31  ptr_field = group%addrs_s(l)
32  do k = 1, ksize
33  do j = js, je
34  do i = is, ie
35  pos = pos + 1
36  field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos)
37  end do
38  end do
39  end do
40  end do
41  else if( group%unpack_type(n) == FIELD_X ) then
42  do l=1,nvector ! loop over number of fields
43  ptr_fieldx = group%addrs_x(l)
44  do k = 1, ksize
45  do j = js, je
46  do i = is, ie
47  pos = pos + 1
48  fieldx(i,j,k) = buffer(pos)
49  end do
50  end do
51  end do
52  end do
53  else if( group%unpack_type(n) == FIELD_Y ) then
54  do l=1,nvector ! loop over number of fields
55  ptr_fieldy = group%addrs_y(l)
56  do k = 1, ksize
57  do j = js, je
58  do i = is, ie
59  pos = pos + 1
60  fieldy(i,j,k) = buffer(pos)
61  end do
62  end do
63  end do
64  end do
65  endif
66  enddo
67 else
68 !$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(nunpack,group,nscalar,ptr,nvector,ksize,buffer_start_pos) &
69 !$OMP private(buffer_pos,pos,m,is, ie, js, je,rotation, &
70 !$OMP ptr_field, ptr_fieldx, ptr_fieldy,n,k)
71  do nk = nunpack*ksize, 1, -1
72  n = (nk-1)/ksize + 1
73  k = mod((nk-1), ksize) + 1
74  buffer_pos = group%unpack_buffer_pos(n) + buffer_start_pos
75  pos = buffer_pos + (k-1)*group%unpack_size(n)
76  is = group%unpack_is(n); ie = group%unpack_ie(n)
77  js = group%unpack_js(n); je = group%unpack_je(n)
78  if( group%unpack_type(n) == FIELD_S ) then
79  do l=1,nscalar ! loop over number of fields
80  ptr_field = group%addrs_s(l)
81  do j = js, je
82  do i = is, ie
83  pos = pos + 1
84  field(i,j,k) = buffer(pos)
85  end do
86  end do
87  end do
88  else if( group%unpack_type(n) == FIELD_X ) then
89  do l=1,nvector ! loop over number of fields
90  ptr_fieldx = group%addrs_x(l)
91  do j = js, je
92  do i = is, ie
93  pos = pos + 1
94  fieldx(i,j,k) = buffer(pos)
95  end do
96  end do
97  end do
98  else if( group%unpack_type(n) == FIELD_Y ) then
99  do l=1,nvector ! loop over number of fields
100  ptr_fieldy = group%addrs_y(l)
101  do j = js, je
102  do i = is, ie
103  pos = pos + 1
104  fieldy(i,j,k) = buffer(pos)
105  end do
106  end do
107  end do
108  endif
109  enddo
110 endif
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MPP_TRANSMIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_(put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block, tag, recv_request, send_request)!a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM!put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays!at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe 's get_data! your get_data array is got from from_pe 's put_data!i.e we assume that typically(e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get!special PE designations:! NULL_PE:to disable a put or a get(e.g at boundaries)! ANY_PE:if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific! ALL_PES:broadcast and collect operations(collect not yet implemented)!ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better(arrays passed by address, not descriptor)!further, this permits< length > contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed(avoiding f90 rank conformance check)!caller is responsible for completion checks(mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) ::put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) ::get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional ::block integer, intent(in), optional ::tag integer, intent(out), optional ::recv_request, send_request logical ::block_comm integer ::i MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save ::local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code(no SHMEM or MPI) integer ::comm_tag integer ::rsize if(.NOT.module_is_initialized) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:You must first call mpp_init.') if(to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE) return block_comm=.true. if(PRESENT(block)) block_comm=block if(debug) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write(stdout_unit,'(a, i18, a, i6, a, 2i6, 2i8)')&'T=', tick, ' PE=', pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin:to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if comm_tag=DEFAULT_TAG if(present(tag)) comm_tag=tag!do put first and then get if(to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes) then!use non-blocking sends if(debug .and.(current_clock.NE.0)) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)!z1l:truly non-blocking send.! if(request(to_pe).NE.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) then !only one message from pe-> to_pe in queue *PE waiting for to_pe ! call error else get_len so only do gets but you cannot have a pure get with MPI call a get means do a wait to ensure put on remote PE is complete error call increase mpp_nml request_multiply call MPP_TRANSMIT get_len end if return end subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_ ! MPP_BROADCAST ! subroutine but that doesn t allow !broadcast to a subset of PEs This version will
type(ext_fieldtype), dimension(:), pointer, save, private field
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do je do i
integer, private je
Definition: fms_io.F90:494
*f90 *************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_2D_(field, nest_domain, wbuffer, ebuffer, sbuffer, nbuffer, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::field(:,:) type(nest_domain_type), intent(inout) ::nest_domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::wbuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::ebuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::sbuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::nbuffer(:,:) integer, intent(in), optional ::flags logical, intent(in), optional ::complete integer, intent(in), optional ::position integer, intent(in), optional ::extra_halo character(len= *), intent(in), optional ::name integer, intent(in), optional ::tile_count MPP_TYPE_ ::field3D(size(field, 1), size(field, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::wbuffer3D(size(wbuffer, 1), size(wbuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::ebuffer3D(size(ebuffer, 1), size(ebuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::sbuffer3D(size(sbuffer, 1), size(sbuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::nbuffer3D(size(nbuffer, 1), size(nbuffer, 2), 1) pointer(ptr, field3D) pointer(ptr_w, wbuffer3D) pointer(ptr_e, ebuffer3D) pointer(ptr_s, sbuffer3D) pointer(ptr_n, nbuffer3D) ptr=LOC(field) ptr_w=LOC(wbuffer) ptr_e=LOC(ebuffer) ptr_s=LOC(sbuffer) ptr_n=LOC(nbuffer) call mpp_update_nest_fine(field3D, nest_domain, wbuffer3D, ebuffer3D, sbuffer3D, nbuffer3D, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) returnend subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_2D_subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_3D_(field, nest_domain, wbuffer, sbuffer, ebuffer, nbuffer, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::field(:,:,:) type(nest_domain_type), intent(inout) ::nest_domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::wbuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::ebuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::sbuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::nbuffer(:,:,:) integer, intent(in), optional ::flags logical, intent(in), optional ::complete integer, intent(in), optional ::position integer, intent(in), optional ::extra_halo character(len= *), intent(in), optional ::name integer, intent(in), optional ::tile_count MPP_TYPE_ ::d_type type(nestSpec), pointer ::update=> set_mismatch integer ::tile update_position nbuffersz ksize
integer, save, private nk
Definition: oda_core.F90:126
subroutine, public copy(self, rhs)
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MPP_TRANSMIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_(put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block, tag, recv_request, send_request)!a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM!put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays!at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe 's get_data! your get_data array is got from from_pe 's put_data!i.e we assume that typically(e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get!special PE designations:! NULL_PE:to disable a put or a get(e.g at boundaries)! ANY_PE:if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific! ALL_PES:broadcast and collect operations(collect not yet implemented)!ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better(arrays passed by address, not descriptor)!further, this permits< length > contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed(avoiding f90 rank conformance check)!caller is responsible for completion checks(mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) ::put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) ::get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional ::block integer, intent(in), optional ::tag integer, intent(out), optional ::recv_request, send_request logical ::block_comm integer ::i MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save ::local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code(no SHMEM or MPI) integer ::comm_tag integer ::rsize if(.NOT.module_is_initialized) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:You must first call mpp_init.') if(to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE) return block_comm=.true. if(PRESENT(block)) block_comm=block if(debug) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write(stdout_unit,'(a, i18, a, i6, a, 2i6, 2i8)')&'T=', tick, ' PE=', pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin:to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if comm_tag=DEFAULT_TAG if(present(tag)) comm_tag=tag!do put first and then get if(to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes) then!use non-blocking sends if(debug .and.(current_clock.NE.0)) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)!z1l:truly non-blocking send.! if(request(to_pe).NE.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) then !only one message from pe-> to_pe in queue *PE waiting for to_pe ! call error else get_len so only do gets but you cannot have a pure get with MPI call a get means do a wait to ensure put on remote PE is complete error call increase mpp_nml request_multiply call MPP_TRANSMIT end
type(field_mgr_type), dimension(max_fields), private fields
integer, parameter, public none
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do j
integer, parameter m
character(len=128) version
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do je do ie to is
integer, private ie
Definition: fms_io.F90:494
logical function received(this, seqno)
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MPP_TRANSMIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_(put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block, tag, recv_request, send_request)!a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM!put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays!at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe 's get_data! your get_data array is got from from_pe 's put_data!i.e we assume that typically(e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get!special PE designations:! NULL_PE:to disable a put or a get(e.g at boundaries)! ANY_PE:if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific! ALL_PES:broadcast and collect operations(collect not yet implemented)!ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better(arrays passed by address, not descriptor)!further, this permits< length > contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed(avoiding f90 rank conformance check)!caller is responsible for completion checks(mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) ::put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) ::get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional ::block integer, intent(in), optional ::tag integer, intent(out), optional ::recv_request, send_request logical ::block_comm integer ::i MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save ::local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code(no SHMEM or MPI) integer ::comm_tag integer ::rsize if(.NOT.module_is_initialized) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:You must first call mpp_init.') if(to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE) return block_comm=.true. if(PRESENT(block)) block_comm=block if(debug) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write(stdout_unit,'(a, i18, a, i6, a, 2i6, 2i8)')&'T=', tick, ' PE=', pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin:to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if comm_tag=DEFAULT_TAG if(present(tag)) comm_tag=tag!do put first and then get if(to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes) then!use non-blocking sends if(debug .and.(current_clock.NE.0)) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)!z1l:truly non-blocking send.! if(request(to_pe).NE.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) then !only one message from pe-> to_pe in queue *PE waiting for to_pe ! call error else get_len so only do gets but you cannot have a pure get with MPI call a get means do a wait to ensure put on remote PE is complete error call increase mpp_nml request_multiply call MPP_TRANSMIT get_len end if return end subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_ ! MPP_BROADCAST ! subroutine but that doesn t allow !broadcast to a subset of PEs This version and mpp_transmit will remain !backward compatible intent(inout) a
*f90 *************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If not
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do je do ie pos
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do je do ie to js