FV3 Bundle
fv_dynamics_tlm.F90 File Reference

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module  fv_dynamics_tlm_mod


subroutine, public fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::fv_dynamics_tlm (npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill, reproduce_sum, kappa, cp_air, zvir, ptop, ks, ncnst, n_split, q_split, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, w, w_tl, delz, delz_tl, hydrostatic, pt, pt_tl, delp, delp_tl, q, q_tl, ps, ps_tl, pe, pe_tl, pk, pk_tl, peln, peln_tl, pkz, pkz_tl, phis, q_con, omga, omga_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, uc, uc_tl, vc, vc_tl, ak, bk, mfx, mfx_tl, mfy, mfy_tl, cx, cx_tl, cy, cy_tl, ze0, hybrid_z, gridstruct, flagstruct, flagstructp, neststruct, idiag, bd, parent_grid, domain, time_total)
subroutine, public fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::fv_dynamics (npx, npy, npz, nq_tot, ng, bdt, consv_te, fill, reproduce_sum, kappa, cp_air, zvir, ptop, ks, ncnst, n_split, q_split, u, v, w, delz, hydrostatic, pt, delp, q, ps, pe, pk, peln, pkz, phis, q_con, omga, ua, va, uc, vc, ak, bk, mfx, mfy, cx, cy, ze0, hybrid_z, gridstruct, flagstruct, flagstructp, neststruct, idiag, bd, parent_grid, domain, time_total)
subroutine fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::rayleigh_super_tlm (dt, npx, npy, npz, ks, pm, phis, tau, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, w, w_tl, pt, pt_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, delz, agrid, cp, rg, ptop, hydrostatic, conserve, rf_cutoff, rf, gridstruct, domain, bd)
subroutine fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::rayleigh_super (dt, npx, npy, npz, ks, pm, phis, tau, u, v, w, pt, ua, va, delz, agrid, cp, rg, ptop, hydrostatic, conserve, rf_cutoff, rf, gridstruct, domain, bd)
subroutine fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::rayleigh_friction_tlm (dt, npx, npy, npz, ks, pm, tau, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, w, w_tl, pt, pt_tl, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, delz, delz_tl, cp, rg, ptop, hydrostatic, conserve, rf_cutoff, rf, gridstruct, domain, bd)
subroutine fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::rayleigh_friction (dt, npx, npy, npz, ks, pm, tau, u, v, w, pt, ua, va, delz, cp, rg, ptop, hydrostatic, conserve, rf_cutoff, rf, gridstruct, domain, bd)
subroutine fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::compute_aam_tlm (npz, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, gridstruct, bd, ptop, ua, ua_tl, va, va_tl, u, u_tl, v, v_tl, delp, delp_tl, aam, aam_tl, ps, ps_tl, m_fac, m_fac_tl)
subroutine fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::compute_aam (npz, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, gridstruct, bd, ptop, ua, va, u, v, delp, aam, ps, m_fac)


logical fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::rf_initialized = .false.
logical fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::pt_initialized = .false.
logical fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::bad_range = .false.
real, dimension(:), allocatable fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::rf
integer fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::kmax =1
real fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::agrav
logical, save, public fv_dynamics_tlm_mod::idealtest =.false.