FV3 Bundle
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1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5 !*
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14 !* for more details.
15 !*
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 !***********************************************************************
19 !----------
20 !ug support
22 !>Get the size of the dimensions of a field from a file associated with an
23 !!unstructured mpp domain.
24 subroutine fms_io_unstructured_get_field_size(filename, &
25  fieldname, &
26  field_dimension_sizes, &
27  domain, &
28  field_found)
30  !Inputs/Outputs
31  character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename !<The name of a file.
32  character(len=*),intent(in) :: fieldname !<The name of a field in the input file.
33  integer,dimension(:),intent(inout) :: field_dimension_sizes !<Array of dimension sizes for the inputted field.
34  type(domainUG),intent(in) :: domain !<An unstructured mpp domain associated with the input file.
35  logical,intent(out),optional :: field_found !<Flag telling if the inputted field was found in the inputted file.
37  !Local variables
38  type(domainUG),pointer :: io_domain !<Pointer to the unstructured I/O domain.
39  integer(INT_KIND) :: io_domain_npes !<The total number of ranks in an I/O domain pelist.
41  integer(INT_KIND) :: funit !<File unit for the inputted file.
42  integer(INT_KIND) :: num_axes !<The total number of axes contained in the inputted file.
43  integer(INT_KIND) :: num_fields !<The total number of fields contained in the inputted file.
44  integer(INT_KIND) :: num_atts !<The total number of global attributes contained in the inputted file.
45  integer(INT_KIND) :: num_time_levels !<The total number of time levels contained in the inputted file.
46  type(fieldtype),dimension(max_fields) :: file_fields !<An array of all fields contained in the inputted file (max_fields is a module variable).
47  logical(INT_KIND) :: found !<Flag telling if the field was found in the file.
48  character(len=128) :: file_field_name !<Name of a field from the inputted file.
49  integer(INT_KIND) :: file_field_ndim !<Number of dimensions of a field from the inputted file.
50  type(axistype),dimension(max_fields) :: file_field_axes !<An array of all axes of a field contained in the inputted file (max_fields is a module variable).
51  character(len=128) :: file_axis_name !<Name of an axis from the inputted file.
52  integer(INT_KIND) :: file_axis_size !<Size of an axis from the inputted file.
53  integer(INT_KIND) :: i !<Loop variable.
54  integer(INT_KIND) :: j !<Loop variable.
56  !Point to the I/O domain associated with the inputted unstructured mpp
57  !domain.
58  io_domain => null()
59  io_domain => mpp_get_UG_io_domain(domain)
61  !Get the pelist associated with the I/O domain.
62  io_domain_npes = mpp_get_UG_domain_npes(io_domain)
63  allocate(pelist(io_domain_npes))
64  call mpp_get_UG_domain_pelist(io_domain, &
65  pelist)
66  io_domain => null()
68  !Get the file unit for the inputted file.
69  call fms_io_unstructured_file_unit(filename, &
70  funit, &
71  domain)
73  !Have the root rank of the I/O domain pelist get the size of the dimensions
74  !of the inputted fields from the inputted file.
75  if (mpp_pe() .eq. pelist(1)) then
77  !Get the number of fields and axes contained in the inputted file.
78  call mpp_get_info(funit, &
79  num_axes, &
80  num_fields, &
81  num_atts, &
82  num_time_levels)
84  !Make sure that the number of fields in the file does not exceed the
85  !maximum number allowed per file.
86  !max_fields is a module variable.
87  if (num_fields .gt. max_fields) then
88  call mpp_error(FATAL, &
89  "fms_io_unstructured_get_field_size:" &
90  //" the number of fields in the file " &
91  //trim(filename)//" exceeds the maximum number" &
92  //" of fields allowed per file (max_fields)")
93  endif
95  !Read in all fields contained in the inputted file.
96  call mpp_get_fields(funit, &
97  file_fields(1:num_fields))
99  !Check if the inputted field matches one the fields contained in
100  !the inputted file. If it matches, get the size of the field
101  !dimensions.
102  found = .false.
103  field_dimension_sizes = -1
104  do i = 1,num_fields
105  call mpp_get_atts(file_fields(i), &
106  name=file_field_name)
107  if (lowercase(trim(file_field_name)) .eq. &
108  lowercase(trim(fieldname))) then
109  call mpp_get_atts(file_fields(i), &
110  ndim=file_field_ndim)
111  call mpp_get_atts(file_fields(i), &
112  axes=file_field_axes(1:file_field_ndim))
113  do j = 1,file_field_ndim
114  call mpp_get_atts(file_field_axes(j), &
115  len=field_dimension_sizes(j))
116  enddo
117  found = .true.
118  exit
119  endif
120  enddo
122  !If the inputted field does not match any of the fields contained
123  !in the inputted file, then check if it matches any of the axes
124  !contained in the file.
125  if (.not. found) then
126  call mpp_get_axes(funit, &
127  file_field_axes(1:num_axes))
128  do i = 1,num_axes
129  call mpp_get_atts(file_field_axes(i), &
130  name=file_axis_name, &
131  len=file_axis_size)
132  if (lowercase(trim(file_axis_name)) .eq. &
133  lowercase(trim(fieldname))) then
134  field_dimension_sizes(1) = file_axis_size
135  found = .true.
136  exit
137  endif
138  enddo
139  endif
140  endif
142  !Broadcast the flag telling if the inputted field was found in the inputted
143  !file and the field dimension sizes array to all non-root ranks on the
144  !I/O domain pelist.
145  if (mpp_pe() .eq. pelist(1)) then
146  do i = 2,io_domain_npes
147  call mpp_send(found, &
148  pelist(i), &
149  tag=COMM_TAG_1)
150  call mpp_send(field_dimension_sizes, &
151  size(field_dimension_sizes), &
152  pelist(i), &
153  tag=COMM_TAG_2)
154  enddo
155  call mpp_sync_self()
156  else
157  call mpp_recv(found, &
158  pelist(1), &
159  block = .false., &
160  tag=COMM_TAG_1)
161  call mpp_recv(field_dimension_sizes, &
162  size(field_dimension_sizes), &
163  pelist(1), &
164  block = .false., &
165  tag=COMM_TAG_2)
166  call mpp_sync_self(check=EVENT_RECV)
167  endif
169  !If the field_found flag is present, then return the value of the found
170  !flag. It is assumed that this value will be checked by the calling
171  !routine. If the field_found flag is not present and the field was not
172  !found in the file, then throw a fatal error.
173  if (present(field_found)) then
174  field_found = found
175  elseif (.not. found) then
176  call mpp_error(FATAL, &
177  "fms_io_unstructured_get_field_size:" &
178  //" the inputted field "//trim(fieldname) &
179  //" was not found in the file "//trim(filename))
180  endif
182  !Deallocate local allocatables.
183  deallocate(pelist)
185  return
186 end subroutine fms_io_unstructured_get_field_size
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MPP_TRANSMIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_(put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block, tag, recv_request, send_request)!a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM!put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays!at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe 's get_data! your get_data array is got from from_pe 's put_data!i.e we assume that typically(e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get!special PE designations:! NULL_PE:to disable a put or a get(e.g at boundaries)! ANY_PE:if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific! ALL_PES:broadcast and collect operations(collect not yet implemented)!ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better(arrays passed by address, not descriptor)!further, this permits< length > contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed(avoiding f90 rank conformance check)!caller is responsible for completion checks(mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) ::put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) ::get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional ::block integer, intent(in), optional ::tag integer, intent(out), optional ::recv_request, send_request logical ::block_comm integer ::i MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save ::local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code(no SHMEM or MPI) integer ::comm_tag integer ::rsize if(.NOT.module_is_initialized) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:You must first call mpp_init.') if(to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE) return block_comm=.true. if(PRESENT(block)) block_comm=block if(debug) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write(stdout_unit,'(a, i18, a, i6, a, 2i6, 2i8)')&'T=', tick, ' PE=', pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin:to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if comm_tag=DEFAULT_TAG if(present(tag)) comm_tag=tag!do put first and then get if(to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes) then!use non-blocking sends if(debug .and.(current_clock.NE.0)) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)!z1l:truly non-blocking send.! if(request(to_pe).NE.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) then !only one message from pe-> to_pe in queue *PE waiting for to_pe ! call error else get_len so only do gets but you cannot have a pure get with MPI call a get means do a wait to ensure put on remote PE is complete error call increase mpp_nml request_multiply call MPP_TRANSMIT get_len end if return end subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_ ! MPP_BROADCAST ! subroutine but that doesn t allow !broadcast to a subset of PEs This version will
type(ext_fieldtype), dimension(:), pointer, save, private field
*f90 *************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_2D_(field, nest_domain, wbuffer, ebuffer, sbuffer, nbuffer, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::field(:,:) type(nest_domain_type), intent(inout) ::nest_domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::wbuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::ebuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::sbuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::nbuffer(:,:) integer, intent(in), optional ::flags logical, intent(in), optional ::complete integer, intent(in), optional ::position integer, intent(in), optional ::extra_halo character(len= *), intent(in), optional ::name integer, intent(in), optional ::tile_count MPP_TYPE_ ::field3D(size(field, 1), size(field, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::wbuffer3D(size(wbuffer, 1), size(wbuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::ebuffer3D(size(ebuffer, 1), size(ebuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::sbuffer3D(size(sbuffer, 1), size(sbuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::nbuffer3D(size(nbuffer, 1), size(nbuffer, 2), 1) pointer(ptr, field3D) pointer(ptr_w, wbuffer3D) pointer(ptr_e, ebuffer3D) pointer(ptr_s, sbuffer3D) pointer(ptr_n, nbuffer3D) ptr=LOC(field) ptr_w=LOC(wbuffer) ptr_e=LOC(ebuffer) ptr_s=LOC(sbuffer) ptr_n=LOC(nbuffer) call mpp_update_nest_fine(field3D, nest_domain, wbuffer3D, ebuffer3D, sbuffer3D, nbuffer3D, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) returnend subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_2D_subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_3D_(field, nest_domain, wbuffer, sbuffer, ebuffer, nbuffer, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::field(:,:,:) type(nest_domain_type), intent(inout) ::nest_domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::wbuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::ebuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::sbuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::nbuffer(:,:,:) integer, intent(in), optional ::flags logical, intent(in), optional ::complete integer, intent(in), optional ::position integer, intent(in), optional ::extra_halo character(len= *), intent(in), optional ::name integer, intent(in), optional ::tile_count MPP_TYPE_ ::d_type type(nestSpec), pointer ::update=> set_mismatch integer ::tile update_position nbuffersz l_size integer
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do je do i
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************subroutine READ_RECORD_CORE_(unit, field, nwords, data, start, axsiz) integer, intent(in) ::unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) ::field integer, intent(in) ::nwords MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::data(nwords) integer, intent(in) ::start(:), axsiz(:) integer(SHORT_KIND) ::i2vals(nwords)!rab used in conjunction with transfer intrinsic to determine size of a variable integer(KIND=1) ::one_byte(8) integer ::word_sz!#ifdef __sgi integer(INT_KIND) ::ivals(nwords) real(FLOAT_KIND) ::rvals(nwords)!#else! integer ::ivals(nwords)! real ::rvals(nwords)!#endif real(DOUBLE_KIND) ::r8vals(nwords) pointer(ptr1, i2vals) pointer(ptr2, ivals) pointer(ptr3, rvals) pointer(ptr4, r8vals) if(mpp_io_stack_size< nwords) call mpp_io_set_stack_size(nwords) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_READ currently requires use_netCDF option') end subroutine READ_RECORD_CORE_ subroutine READ_RECORD_(unit, field, nwords, data, time_level, domain, position, tile_count, start_in, axsiz_in)!routine that is finally called by all mpp_read routines to perform the read!a non-netCDF record contains:! field ID! a set of 4 coordinates(is:ie, js:je) giving the data subdomain! a timelevel and a timestamp(=NULLTIME if field is static)! 3D real data(stored as 1D)!if you are using direct access I/O, the RECL argument to OPEN must be large enough for the above!in a global direct access file, record position on PE is given by %record.!Treatment of timestamp:! We assume that static fields have been passed without a timestamp.! Here that is converted into a timestamp of NULLTIME.! For non-netCDF fields, field is treated no differently, but is written! with a timestamp of NULLTIME. There is no check in the code to prevent! the user from repeatedly writing a static field. integer, intent(in) ::unit, nwords type(fieldtype), intent(in) ::field MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::data(nwords) integer, intent(in), optional ::time_level type(domain2D), intent(in), optional ::domain integer, intent(in), optional ::position, tile_count integer, intent(in), optional ::start_in(:), axsiz_in(:) integer, dimension(size(field%axes(:))) ::start, axsiz integer ::tlevel !, subdomain(4) integer ::i, error, is, ie, js, je, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg type(domain2d), pointer ::io_domain=> unit
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************subroutine MPP_WRITE_UNLIMITED_AXIS_1D_(unit, field, domain, data, nelems_io) integer, intent(in) ::unit type(fieldtype), intent(inout) ::field type(domain2D), intent(inout) ::domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::data(:) integer, intent(in) ::nelems_io(:) ! number of compressed elements from each ! member of the io_domain. It MUST have the ! same order as the io_domain pelist. integer, allocatable ::pelist(:) integer ::i, j, nelems, npes type(domain2d), pointer ::io_domain=> allocatable
dictionary attributes
Definition: plotDiffs.py:16
subroutine, public copy(self, rhs)
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MPP_TRANSMIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_(put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block, tag, recv_request, send_request)!a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM!put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays!at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe 's get_data! your get_data array is got from from_pe 's put_data!i.e we assume that typically(e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get!special PE designations:! NULL_PE:to disable a put or a get(e.g at boundaries)! ANY_PE:if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific! ALL_PES:broadcast and collect operations(collect not yet implemented)!ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better(arrays passed by address, not descriptor)!further, this permits< length > contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed(avoiding f90 rank conformance check)!caller is responsible for completion checks(mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) ::put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) ::get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional ::block integer, intent(in), optional ::tag integer, intent(out), optional ::recv_request, send_request logical ::block_comm integer ::i MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save ::local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code(no SHMEM or MPI) integer ::comm_tag integer ::rsize if(.NOT.module_is_initialized) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:You must first call mpp_init.') if(to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE) return block_comm=.true. if(PRESENT(block)) block_comm=block if(debug) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write(stdout_unit,'(a, i18, a, i6, a, 2i6, 2i8)')&'T=', tick, ' PE=', pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin:to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if comm_tag=DEFAULT_TAG if(present(tag)) comm_tag=tag!do put first and then get if(to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes) then!use non-blocking sends if(debug .and.(current_clock.NE.0)) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)!z1l:truly non-blocking send.! if(request(to_pe).NE.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) then !only one message from pe-> to_pe in queue *PE waiting for to_pe ! call error else get_len so only do gets but you cannot have a pure get with MPI call a get means do a wait to ensure put on remote PE is complete error call increase mpp_nml request_multiply call MPP_TRANSMIT end
integer(long), parameter true
type(field_mgr_type), dimension(max_fields), private fields
type(diag_axis_type), dimension(:), allocatable, save axes
Definition: diag_axis.F90:80
integer(long), parameter false
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do j
character(len=32) name
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do je do ie to je n if(.NOT. d_comm%R_do_buf(list)) cycle from_pe
character(len=128) version
l_size ! loop over number of fields ke do je do ie to is
Definition: c2f.py:15
integer, parameter, public global
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MPP_TRANSMIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_(put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block, tag, recv_request, send_request)!a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM!put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays!at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe 's get_data! your get_data array is got from from_pe 's put_data!i.e we assume that typically(e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get!special PE designations:! NULL_PE:to disable a put or a get(e.g at boundaries)! ANY_PE:if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific! ALL_PES:broadcast and collect operations(collect not yet implemented)!ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better(arrays passed by address, not descriptor)!further, this permits< length > contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed(avoiding f90 rank conformance check)!caller is responsible for completion checks(mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) ::put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) ::get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional ::block integer, intent(in), optional ::tag integer, intent(out), optional ::recv_request, send_request logical ::block_comm integer ::i MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save ::local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code(no SHMEM or MPI) integer ::comm_tag integer ::rsize if(.NOT.module_is_initialized) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:You must first call mpp_init.') if(to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE) return block_comm=.true. if(PRESENT(block)) block_comm=block if(debug) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write(stdout_unit,'(a, i18, a, i6, a, 2i6, 2i8)')&'T=', tick, ' PE=', pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin:to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if comm_tag=DEFAULT_TAG if(present(tag)) comm_tag=tag!do put first and then get if(to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes) then!use non-blocking sends if(debug .and.(current_clock.NE.0)) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)!z1l:truly non-blocking send.! if(request(to_pe).NE.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) then !only one message from pe-> to_pe in queue *PE waiting for to_pe ! call error else get_len so only do gets but you cannot have a pure get with MPI call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:you cannot transmit to ANY_PE using MPI.') else if(to_pe.NE.NULL_PE) then !no other valid cases except NULL_PE call mpp_error(FATAL
integer error
Definition: mpp.F90:1310
real(double), parameter one
logical function received(this, seqno)
type(field_def), target, save root
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************subroutine READ_RECORD_CORE_(unit, field, nwords, data, start, axsiz) integer, intent(in) ::unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) ::field integer, intent(in) ::nwords MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::data(nwords) integer, intent(in) ::start(:), axsiz(:) integer(SHORT_KIND) ::i2vals(nwords)!rab used in conjunction with transfer intrinsic to determine size of a variable integer(KIND=1) ::one_byte(8) integer ::word_sz!#ifdef __sgi integer(INT_KIND) ::ivals(nwords) real(FLOAT_KIND) ::rvals(nwords)!#else! integer ::ivals(nwords)! real ::rvals(nwords)!#endif real(DOUBLE_KIND) ::r8vals(nwords) pointer(ptr1, i2vals) pointer(ptr2, ivals) pointer(ptr3, rvals) pointer(ptr4, r8vals) if(mpp_io_stack_size< nwords) call mpp_io_set_stack_size(nwords) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_READ currently requires use_netCDF option') end subroutine READ_RECORD_CORE_ subroutine READ_RECORD_(unit, field, nwords, data, time_level, domain, position, tile_count, start_in, axsiz_in)!routine that is finally called by all mpp_read routines to perform the read!a non-netCDF record contains:! field ID! a set of 4 coordinates(is:ie, js:je) giving the data subdomain! a timelevel and a timestamp(=NULLTIME if field is static)! 3D real data(stored as 1D)!if you are using direct access I/O, the RECL argument to OPEN must be large enough for the above!in a global direct access file, record position on PE is given by %record.!Treatment of timestamp:! We assume that static fields have been passed without a timestamp.! Here that is converted into a timestamp of NULLTIME.! For non-netCDF fields, field is treated no differently, but is written! with a timestamp of NULLTIME. There is no check in the code to prevent! the user from repeatedly writing a static field. integer, intent(in) ::unit, nwords type(fieldtype), intent(in) ::field MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::data(nwords) integer, intent(in), optional ::time_level type(domain2D), intent(in), optional ::domain integer, intent(in), optional ::position, tile_count integer, intent(in), optional ::start_in(:), axsiz_in(:) integer, dimension(size(field%axes(:))) ::start, axsiz integer ::tlevel !, subdomain(4) integer ::i, error, is, ie, js, je, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg type(domain2d), pointer ::io_domain=> tlevel if(PRESENT(start_in) .AND. PRESENT(axsiz_in)) then if(size(start(! the data domain and compute domain must refer to the subdomain being passed ! In this ! since that attempts to gather all data on PE size(field%axes(:)) axsiz(i)
************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! MPP_TRANSMIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_(put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block, tag, recv_request, send_request)!a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM!put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays!at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe 's get_data! your get_data array is got from from_pe 's put_data!i.e we assume that typically(e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get!special PE designations:! NULL_PE:to disable a put or a get(e.g at boundaries)! ANY_PE:if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific! ALL_PES:broadcast and collect operations(collect not yet implemented)!ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better(arrays passed by address, not descriptor)!further, this permits< length > contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed(avoiding f90 rank conformance check)!caller is responsible for completion checks(mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) ::put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) ::get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional ::block integer, intent(in), optional ::tag integer, intent(out), optional ::recv_request, send_request logical ::block_comm integer ::i MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save ::local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code(no SHMEM or MPI) integer ::comm_tag integer ::rsize if(.NOT.module_is_initialized) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT:You must first call mpp_init.') if(to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE) return block_comm=.true. if(PRESENT(block)) block_comm=block if(debug) then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write(stdout_unit,'(a, i18, a, i6, a, 2i6, 2i8)')&'T=', tick, ' PE=', pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin:to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if comm_tag=DEFAULT_TAG if(present(tag)) comm_tag=tag!do put first and then get if(to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes) then!use non-blocking sends if(debug .and.(current_clock.NE.0)) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)!z1l:truly non-blocking send.! if(request(to_pe).NE.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) then !only one message from pe-> to_pe in queue *PE waiting for to_pe ! call error else get_len so only do gets but you cannot have a pure get with MPI call a get means do a wait to ensure put on remote PE is complete error call increase mpp_nml request_multiply call MPP_TRANSMIT get_len end if return end subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_ ! MPP_BROADCAST ! subroutine but that doesn t allow !broadcast to a subset of PEs This version and mpp_transmit will remain !backward compatible intent(inout) a
*f90 *************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If see< http:! ***********************************************************************subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_2D_(field, nest_domain, wbuffer, ebuffer, sbuffer, nbuffer, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::field(:,:) type(nest_domain_type), intent(inout) ::nest_domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::wbuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::ebuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::sbuffer(:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::nbuffer(:,:) integer, intent(in), optional ::flags logical, intent(in), optional ::complete integer, intent(in), optional ::position integer, intent(in), optional ::extra_halo character(len= *), intent(in), optional ::name integer, intent(in), optional ::tile_count MPP_TYPE_ ::field3D(size(field, 1), size(field, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::wbuffer3D(size(wbuffer, 1), size(wbuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::ebuffer3D(size(ebuffer, 1), size(ebuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::sbuffer3D(size(sbuffer, 1), size(sbuffer, 2), 1) MPP_TYPE_ ::nbuffer3D(size(nbuffer, 1), size(nbuffer, 2), 1) pointer(ptr, field3D) pointer(ptr_w, wbuffer3D) pointer(ptr_e, ebuffer3D) pointer(ptr_s, sbuffer3D) pointer(ptr_n, nbuffer3D) ptr=LOC(field) ptr_w=LOC(wbuffer) ptr_e=LOC(ebuffer) ptr_s=LOC(sbuffer) ptr_n=LOC(nbuffer) call mpp_update_nest_fine(field3D, nest_domain, wbuffer3D, ebuffer3D, sbuffer3D, nbuffer3D, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) returnend subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_2D_subroutine MPP_UPDATE_NEST_FINE_3D_(field, nest_domain, wbuffer, sbuffer, ebuffer, nbuffer, &flags, complete, position, extra_halo, name, tile_count) MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) ::field(:,:,:) type(nest_domain_type), intent(inout) ::nest_domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::wbuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::ebuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::sbuffer(:,:,:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) ::nbuffer(:,:,:) integer, intent(in), optional ::flags logical, intent(in), optional ::complete integer, intent(in), optional ::position integer, intent(in), optional ::extra_halo character(len= *), intent(in), optional ::name integer, intent(in), optional ::tile_count MPP_TYPE_ ::d_type type(nestSpec), pointer ::update=> dimension(MAX_DOMAIN_FIELDS)
integer, parameter, public fatal
integer, dimension(:), allocatable pelist
*f90 *************************************************************************GNU Lesser General Public License **This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System(FMS). ! *! *FMS is free software without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or *FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License *for more details **You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *License along with FMS If not
#define INT_KIND
real per
Longitude of perihelion with respect to autumnal equinox in NH [degrees].
Definition: astronomy.F90:345
integer, parameter max_fields
Definition: xgrid.F90:183
character(len=len(cs)) function lowercase(cs)
Definition: oda_core.F90:1415
Definition: c2f.py:21
logical function, public eq(x, y)
Definition: tools_repro.F90:28
integer ndim
No description.