FV3 Bundle
external_ic_nlm.F90 File Reference
#include "mpif.h"
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module  external_ic_nlm_mod


subroutine, public external_ic_nlm_mod::get_external_ic (Atm, fv_domain, use_geos_latlon_restart, use_geos_cubed_restart, ntracers)
subroutine, public external_ic_nlm_mod::get_cubed_sphere_terrain (Atm, fv_domain)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::get_diag_ic (Atm, fv_domain, nq)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::get_ncep_ic (Atm, fv_domain, nq)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::get_fv_ic (Atm, fv_domain, nq)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::ncep2fms (im, jm, lon, lat, wk)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::remap_coef (im, jm, lon, lat, id1, id2, jdc, s2c, agrid, bd)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::remap_scalar (im, jm, km, npz, nq, ncnst, ak0, bk0, psc, gzc, ta, qa, Atm)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::remap_winds (im, jm, km, npz, ak0, bk0, psc, ua, va, Atm)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::remap_wz (im, jm, km, npz, mg, ak0, bk0, psc, wa, wz, Atm)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::remap_xyz (im, jbeg, jend, jm, km, npz, nq, ncnst, lon, lat, ak0, bk0, ps0, gz0, ua, va, ta, qa, Atm)
real(fvprc) function, dimension(size(a, 1), size(a, 2)) external_ic_nlm_mod::reverse (A)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::cubed_a2d (npx, npy, npz, ua, va, u, v, gridstruct, fv_domain, bd)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::d2a3d (u, v, ua, va, im, jm, km, lon)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::pmaxmin (qname, a, im, jm, fac)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::pmaxmin4d (qname, a, im, jm, km, lm, fac)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::mpp_domain_decomp (domain, npx, npy, nregions, ng, grid_type, is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, tile)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::parallel_read_file_r8 (fname, npts, is, ie, js, je, km, offset, var)
subroutine external_ic_nlm_mod::parallel_read_file_r4 (fname, npts, is, ie, js, je, km, offset, var)


real(fvprc), parameter external_ic_nlm_mod::zvir = rvgas/rdgas - 1.
real(fvprc) external_ic_nlm_mod::deg2rad
integer, save external_ic_nlm_mod::tile
integer, save external_ic_nlm_mod::npes_x
integer, save external_ic_nlm_mod::npes_y
integer external_ic_nlm_mod::status
integer external_ic_nlm_mod::iunit =15
integer external_ic_nlm_mod::ounit =16