integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::max_fields_per_file = 300 |
| Maximum number of fields per file. More...
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_other = 0 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_ocean = 1 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_all = 2 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::very_large_file_freq = 100000 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::very_large_axis_length = 10000 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::every_time = 0 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::end_of_run = -1 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_seconds = 1 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_minutes = 2 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_hours = 3 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_days = 4 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_months = 5 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_years = 6 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::max_subaxes = 10 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::glo_reg_val = -999 |
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::glo_reg_val_alt = -1 |
real, parameter | diag_data_mod::cmor_missing_value = 1.0e20 |
| CMOR standard missing value. More...
integer, parameter | diag_data_mod::diag_field_not_found = -1 |
integer | diag_data_mod::num_files = 0 |
integer | diag_data_mod::num_input_fields = 0 |
integer | diag_data_mod::num_output_fields = 0 |
integer | diag_data_mod::null_axis_id |
logical | diag_data_mod::append_pelist_name = .FALSE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::mix_snapshot_average_fields =.FALSE. |
integer | diag_data_mod::max_files = 31 |
| Maximum number of output files allowed. Increase via diag_manager_nml. More...
integer | diag_data_mod::max_output_fields = 300 |
| Maximum number of output fields. Increase via diag_manager_nml. More...
integer | diag_data_mod::max_input_fields = 600 |
| Maximum number of input fields. Increase via diag_manager_nml. More...
integer | diag_data_mod::max_out_per_in_field = 150 |
| Maximum number of output_fields per input_field. Increase via diag_manager_nml. More...
integer | diag_data_mod::max_axes = 60 |
| Maximum number of independent axes. More...
logical | diag_data_mod::do_diag_field_log = .FALSE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::write_bytes_in_file = .FALSE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::debug_diag_manager = .FALSE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::flush_nc_files = .FALSE. |
| Control if diag_manager will force a flush of the netCDF file on each write. Note: changing this to .TRUE. can greatly reduce the performance of the model, as the model must wait until the flush to disk has completed. More...
integer | diag_data_mod::max_num_axis_sets = 25 |
logical | diag_data_mod::use_cmor = .FALSE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::issue_oor_warnings = .TRUE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::oor_warnings_fatal = .FALSE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::region_out_use_alt_value = .TRUE. |
integer | diag_data_mod::max_field_attributes = 4 |
| Maximum number of user definable attributes per field. Liptak: Changed from 2 to 4 20170718. More...
integer | diag_data_mod::max_file_attributes = 2 |
| Maximum number of user definable global attributes per file. More...
integer | diag_data_mod::max_axis_attributes = 4 |
| Maximum number of user definable attributes per axis. More...
logical | diag_data_mod::prepend_date = .TRUE. |
| Should the history file have the start date prepended to the file name. More...
logical | diag_data_mod::write_manifest_file = .FALSE. |
| Indicates if the manifest file should be written. If writing many regional files, then the termination time may increase causing job to time out. More...
real | diag_data_mod::fill_value = NF_FILL_REAL |
integer | diag_data_mod::pack_size = 1 |
real | diag_data_mod::empty = 0.0 |
real | diag_data_mod::max_value |
real | diag_data_mod::min_value |
type(time_type) | diag_data_mod::diag_init_time |
type(time_type) | diag_data_mod::base_time |
integer | diag_data_mod::base_year |
integer | diag_data_mod::base_month |
integer | diag_data_mod::base_day |
integer | diag_data_mod::base_hour |
integer | diag_data_mod::base_minute |
integer | diag_data_mod::base_second |
character(len=256) | diag_data_mod::global_descriptor |
type(file_type), dimension(:), allocatable, save | diag_data_mod::files |
type(input_field_type), dimension(:), allocatable | diag_data_mod::input_fields |
type(output_field_type), dimension(:), allocatable | diag_data_mod::output_fields |
type(time_type) | diag_data_mod::time_zero |
logical | diag_data_mod::first_send_data_call = .TRUE. |
logical | diag_data_mod::module_is_initialized = .FALSE. |
integer | diag_data_mod::diag_log_unit |
character(len=10), dimension(6) | diag_data_mod::time_unit_list = (/'seconds ', 'minutes ', 'hours ', 'days ', 'months ', 'years '/) |
character(len=32) | diag_data_mod::pelist_name |
integer | diag_data_mod::oor_warning = WARNING |