subroutine, public | coupler_types_mod::coupler_types_init |
| Initialize the coupler types. More...
subroutine, public | coupler_types_mod::coupler_type_copy_1d_2d (var_in, var_out, is, ie, js, je, diag_name, axes, time, suffix) |
| Copy fields from one coupler type to another. 1-D to 2-D version for generic coupler_type_copy. More...
subroutine, public | coupler_types_mod::coupler_type_copy_1d_3d (var_in, var_out, is, ie, js, je, kd, diag_name, axes, time, suffix) |
| Copy fields from one coupler type to another. 1-D to 3-D version for generic coupler_type_copy. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::coupler_type_copy_2d_2d (var_in, var_out, is, ie, js, je, diag_name, axes, time, suffix) |
| Copy fields from one coupler type to another. 2-D to 2-D version for generic coupler_type_copy. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::coupler_type_copy_2d_3d (var_in, var_out, is, ie, js, je, kd, diag_name, axes, time, suffix) |
| Copy fields from one coupler type to another. 2-D to 3-D version for generic coupler_type_copy. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::coupler_type_copy_3d_2d (var_in, var_out, is, ie, js, je, diag_name, axes, time, suffix) |
| Copy fields from one coupler type to another. 3-D to 2-D version for generic coupler_type_copy. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::coupler_type_copy_3d_3d (var_in, var_out, is, ie, js, je, kd, diag_name, axes, time, suffix) |
| Copy fields from one coupler type to another. 3-D to 3-D version for generic coupler_type_copy. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_spawn_1d_2d (var_in, var, idim, jdim, suffix, as_needed) |
| Generate one coupler type using another as a template. 1-D to 2-D version for generic coupler_type_spawn. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_spawn_1d_3d (var_in, var, idim, jdim, kdim, suffix, as_needed) |
| Generate one coupler type using another as a template. 1-D to 3-D version for generic CT_spawn. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_spawn_2d_2d (var_in, var, idim, jdim, suffix, as_needed) |
| Generate one coupler type using another as a template. 2-D to 2-D version for generic CT_spawn. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_spawn_2d_3d (var_in, var, idim, jdim, kdim, suffix, as_needed) |
| Generate one coupler type using another as a template. 2-D to 3-D version for generic CT_spawn. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_spawn_3d_2d (var_in, var, idim, jdim, suffix, as_needed) |
| Generate one coupler type using another as a template. 3-D to 2-D version for generic CT_spawn. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_spawn_3d_3d (var_in, var, idim, jdim, kdim, suffix, as_needed) |
| Generate one coupler type using another as a template. 3-D to 3-D version for generic CT_spawn. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_copy_data_2d (var_in, var, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice) |
| Copy all elements of coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_copy_data_3d (var_in, var, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice) |
| Copy all elements of coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_copy_data_2d_3d (var_in, var, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice, ind3_start, ind3_end) |
| Copy all elements of coupler_2d_bc_type to coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_redistribute_data_2d (var_in, domain_in, var_out, domain_out, complete) |
| Redistribute the data in all elements of a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_redistribute_data_3d (var_in, domain_in, var_out, domain_out, complete) |
| Redistributes the data in all elements of one coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_rescale_data_2d (var, scale, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice) |
| Rescales the fields in the fields in the elements of a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_rescale_data_3d (var, scale, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_increment_data_2d_2d (var_in, var, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, scale_factor, scale_prev, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_increment_data_3d_3d (var_in, var, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, scale_factor, scale_prev, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_increment_data_2d_3d (var_in, weights, var, halo_size, bc_index, field_index, scale_factor, scale_prev, exclude_flux_type, only_flux_type, pass_through_ice) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_extract_data_2d (var_in, bc_index, field_index, array_out, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim) |
| Extract a 2d field from a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_extract_data_3d_2d (var_in, bc_index, field_index, k_in, array_out, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_extract_data_3d (var_in, bc_index, field_index, array_out, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim) |
| Extract single 3d field from a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_set_data_2d (array_in, bc_index, field_index, var, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim) |
| Set single 2d field in coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_set_data_2d_3d (array_in, bc_index, field_index, k_out, var, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim) |
| Set one k-level of a single 3d field in a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_set_data_3d (array_in, bc_index, field_index, var, scale_factor, halo_size, idim, jdim) |
| Set a single 3d field in a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_set_diags_2d (var, diag_name, axes, time) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_set_diags_3d (var, diag_name, axes, time) |
| Register the diagnostics of a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_send_data_2d (var, Time) |
| Write out all diagnostics of elements of a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_send_data_3d (var, Time) |
| Write out all diagnostics of elements of a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_register_restarts_2d (var, bc_rest_files, num_rest_files, mpp_domain, ocean_restart) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_register_restarts_to_file_2d (var, file_name, rest_file, mpp_domain, varname_prefix) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_register_restarts_3d (var, bc_rest_files, num_rest_files, mpp_domain, ocean_restart) |
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_register_restarts_to_file_3d (var, file_name, rest_file, mpp_domain, varname_prefix) |
| Register the fields in a coupler_3d_bc_type to be saved to restart files. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_restore_state_2d (var, directory, all_or_nothing, all_required, test_by_field) |
| Reads in fields from restart files into a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_restore_state_3d (var, directory, all_or_nothing, all_required, test_by_field) |
| Read in fields from restart files into a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_data_override_2d (gridname, var, Time) |
| Potentially override the values in a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_data_override_3d (gridname, var, Time) |
| Potentially override the values in a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_write_chksums_2d (var, outunit, name_lead) |
| Write out checksums for the elements of a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_write_chksums_3d (var, outunit, name_lead) |
| Write out checksums for the elements of a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...
logical function | coupler_types_mod::ct_initialized_1d (var) |
| Indicate whether a coupler_1d_bc_type has been initialized. More...
logical function | coupler_types_mod::ct_initialized_2d (var) |
| Indicate whether a coupler_2d_bc_type has been initialized. More...
logical function | coupler_types_mod::ct_initialized_3d (var) |
| Indicate whether a coupler_3d_bc_type has been initialized. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_destructor_1d (var) |
| Deallocate all data associated with a coupler_1d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_destructor_2d (var) |
| Deallocate all data associated with a coupler_2d_bc_type. More...
subroutine | coupler_types_mod::ct_destructor_3d (var) |
| Deallocate all data associated with a coupler_3d_bc_type. More...