FV3 Bundle
convection_tl.F90 File Reference

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module  convection_tl


subroutine, public convection_tl::rase_d (idim, irun, k0, icmin, dt, cons_cp, cons_alhl, cons_grav, cons_rgas, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, cons_vireps, seedras, sige, kcbl, wgt0, wgt1, frland, ts, tho, thod, qho, qhod, uho, uhod, vho, vhod, co_auto, ple, clw, clwd, flxd, flxdd, cnv_prc3, cnv_prc3d, cnv_updfrc, cnv_updfrcd, rasparams, estblx)
subroutine convection_tl::sundq3_ice_d (temp, tempd, rate2, rate3, te1, f2, f2d, f3)
subroutine convection_tl::dqsat_ras_d (dqsi, dqsid, qssi, qssid, temp, tempd, plo, lm, estblx, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw)
subroutine convection_tl::dqsats_ras_d (dqsi, dqsid, qssi, qssid, temp, tempd, plo, estblx, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw)
subroutine, public convection_tl::rase0_d (idim, irun, k0, icmin, dt, cons_cp, cons_alhl, cons_grav, cons_rgas, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, cons_vireps, seedras, sige, kcbl, wgt0, wgt1, frland, ts, tho, thod, qho, qhod, co_auto, ple, rasparams, estblx)
subroutine, public convection_tl::rase_tracer_d (idim, irun, k0, icmin, dt, cons_cp, cons_alhl, cons_grav, cons_rgas, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, cons_vireps, seedras, sige, kcbl, wgt0, wgt1, frland, ts, thoin, qhoin, uhoin, vhoin, co_auto, ple, rasparams, estblx, itrcr, xho, xhod, fscav)