FV3 Bundle
constants.F90 File Reference
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module  constants_mod


subroutine, public constants_mod::constants_init
 dummy routine. More...


real constants_mod::realnumber
 dummy variable to use in HUGE initializations More...
real, parameter, private constants_mod::small_fac = 1._r8_kind
real, parameter, public constants_mod::radius = 6371.0e+3_r8_kind * small_fac
 Radius of the Earth [m]. More...
real(kind=8), parameter, public constants_mod::pi_8 = 3.14159265358979323846_r8_kind
 Ratio of circle circumference to diameter [N/A]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::pi = 3.14159265358979323846_r8_kind
 Ratio of circle circumference to diameter [N/A]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::omega = 7.292e-5_r8_kind / small_fac
 Rotation rate of the Earth [1/s]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::grav = 9.80_r8_kind
 Acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::rdgas = 287.04_r8_kind
 Gas constant for dry air [J/kg/deg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::rvgas = 461.50_r8_kind
 Gas constant for water vapor [J/kg/deg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::hlv = 2.500e6_r8_kind
 Latent heat of evaporation [J/kg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::hlf = 3.34e5_r8_kind
 Latent heat of fusion [J/kg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::kappa = 2.0_r8_kind/7.0_r8_kind
 RDGAS / CP_AIR [dimensionless]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::cp_air = RDGAS/KAPPA
 Specific heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure [J/kg/deg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::tfreeze = 273.16_r8_kind
 Freezing temperature of fresh water [K]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::stefan = 5.6734e-8_r8_kind
 Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m^2/deg^4]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::cp_vapor = 4.0_r8_kind*RVGAS
 Specific heat capacity of water vapor at constant pressure [J/kg/deg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::cp_ocean = 3989.24495292815_r8_kind
 Specific heat capacity taken from McDougall (2002) "Potential Enthalpy ..." [J/kg/deg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::rho0 = 1.035e3_r8_kind
 Average density of sea water [kg/m^3]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::rho0r = 1.0_r8_kind/RHO0
 Reciprocal of average density of sea water [m^3/kg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::rho_cp = RHO0*CP_OCEAN
 (kg/m^3)*(cal/kg/deg C)(joules/cal) = (joules/m^3/deg C) [J/m^3/deg] More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::es0 = 1.0_r8_kind
 Humidity factor. Controls the humidity content of the atmosphere through the Saturation Vapour Pressure expression when using DO_SIMPLE. [dimensionless]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::dens_h2o = 1000._r8_kind
 Density of liquid water [kg/m^3]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::hls = HLV + HLF
 Latent heat of sublimation [J/kg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmair = 2.896440E+01_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of air [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmh2o = WTMAIR*(RDGAS/RVGAS)
 Molecular weight of water [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmozone = 47.99820_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of ozone [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmc = 12.00000_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of carbon [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmco2 = 44.00995_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of carbon dioxide [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmch4 = 16.0425_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of methane [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmo2 = 31.9988_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of molecular oxygen [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmcfc11 = 137.3681_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of CFC-11 (CCl3F) [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmcfc12 = 120.9135_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of CFC-21 (CCl2F2) [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::wtmn = 14.0067_r8_kind
 Molecular weight of Nitrogen [AMU]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::diffac = 1.660000E+00_r8_kind
 Diffusivity factor [dimensionless]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::avogno = 6.023000E+23_r8_kind
 Avogadro's number [atoms/mole]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::pstd = 1.013250E+06_r8_kind
 Mean sea level pressure [dynes/cm^2]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::pstd_mks = 101325.0_r8_kind
 Mean sea level pressure [N/m^2]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::seconds_per_day = 8.640000E+04_r8_kind
 Seconds in a day [s]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::seconds_per_hour = 3600._r8_kind
 Seconds in an hour [s]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::seconds_per_minute = 60._r8_kind
 Seconds in a minute [s]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::rad_to_deg = 180._r8_kind/PI
 Degrees per radian [deg/rad]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::deg_to_rad = PI/180._r8_kind
 Radians per degree [rad/deg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::radian = RAD_TO_DEG
 Equal to RAD_TO_DEG for backward compatability. [rad/deg]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::alogmin = -50.0_r8_kind
 Minimum value allowed as argument to log function [N/A]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::epsln = 1.0e-40_r8_kind
 A small number to prevent divide by zero exceptions [N/A]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::radcon = ((1.0E+02*GRAV)/(1.0E+04*CP_AIR))*SECONDS_PER_DAY
 Factor used to convert flux divergence to heating rate in degrees per day [deg sec/(cm day)]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::radcon_mks = (GRAV/CP_AIR)*SECONDS_PER_DAY
 Factor used to convert flux divergence to heating rate in degrees per day [deg sec/(m day)]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::o2mixrat = 2.0953E-01_r8_kind
 Mixing ratio of molecular oxygen in air [dimensionless]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::rhoair = 1.292269_r8_kind
 Reference atmospheric density [kg/m^3]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::vonkarm = 0.40_r8_kind
 Von Karman constant [dimensionless]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::c2dbars = 1.e-4_r8_kind
 Converts rho*g*z (in mks) to dbars: 1dbar = 10^4 (kg/m^3)(m/s^2)m [dbars]. More...
real, parameter, public constants_mod::kelvin = 273.15_r8_kind
 Degrees Kelvin at zero Celsius [K]. More...