FV3 Bundle
cloudradcouple.F90 File Reference

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module  cloudradcouple


subroutine, public cloudradcouple::radcouple (TE, PL, CF, AF, QClLS, QCiLS, QClAN, QCiAN, RAD_QL, RAD_QI, RAD_CF, RAD_RL, RAD_RI, TEMPOR)
subroutine, public cloudradcouple::radcouple_d (te, ted, pl, cf, cfd, af, afd, qclls, qcllsd, qcils, qcilsd, qclan, qcland, qcian, qciand, rad_ql, rad_qld, rad_qi, rad_qid, rad_cf, rad_cfd, rad_rl, rad_rld, rad_ri, rad_rid, tempor)
subroutine, public cloudradcouple::radcouple_b (te, teb, pl, cf, cfb, af, afb, qclls, qcllsb, qcils, qcilsb, qclan, qclanb, qcian, qcianb, rad_ql, rad_qlb, rad_qi, rad_qib, rad_cf, rad_cfb, rad_rl, rad_rlb, rad_ri, rad_rib, tempor)