FV3 Bundle
cloud_tl.F90 File Reference

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module  cloud_tl


subroutine, public cloud_tl::cloud_driver_d (dt, im, jm, lm, th, thd, q, qd, ple, cnv_dqldt, cnv_dqldtd, cnv_mfd, cnv_mfdd, cnv_prc3, cnv_prc3d, cnv_updf, cnv_updfd, qi_ls, qi_lsd, ql_ls, ql_lsd, qi_con, qi_cond, ql_con, ql_cond, cf_ls, cf_lsd, cf_con, cf_cond, frland, physparams, estblx, khu, khl, cons_runiv, cons_kappa, cons_airmw, cons_h2omw, cons_grav, cons_alhl, cons_alhf, cons_pi, cons_rgas, cons_cp, cons_vireps, cons_alhs, cons_tice, cons_rvap, cons_p00, do_moist_physics)
subroutine cloud_tl::cloud_tidy_d (qv, qvd, te, ted, qlc, qlcd, qic, qicd, cf, cfd, qla, qlad, qia, qiad, af, afd, cons_alhl, cons_alhs, cons_cp)
subroutine cloud_tl::meltfreeze_d (dt, te, ted, ql, qld, qi, qid, t_ice_all, t_ice_max, icefrpwr, cons_alhl, cons_alhs, cons_cp)
subroutine cloud_tl::convec_src_d (dt, mass, imass, te, ted, qv, qvd, dcf, dcfd, dmf, dmfd, qla, qlad, qia, qiad, af, afd, qs, qsd, cons_alhs, cons_alhl, cons_cp, t_ice_all, t_ice_max, icefrpwr)
subroutine, public cloud_tl::ls_cloud_d (dt, alpha, pdfshape, pl, te, ted, qv, qvd, qcl, qcld, qal, qald, qci, qcid, qai, qaid, cf, cfd, af, afd, cons_alhl, cons_alhf, cons_alhs, cons_cp, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, t_ice_all, t_ice_max, icefrpwr, estblx, cloud_pertmod, dmp)
subroutine cloud_tl::pdffrac_d (flag, qtmean, qtmeand, sigmaqt1, sigmaqt1d, sigmaqt2, sigmaqt2d, qstar, qstard, clfrac, clfracd)
subroutine cloud_tl::pdfcondensate_d (flag, qtmean4, qtmean4d, sigmaqt14, sigmaqt14d, sigmaqt24, sigmaqt24d, qstar4, qstar4d, condensate4, condensate4d)
subroutine cloud_tl::evap_cnv_d (dt, rhcr, pl, te, ted, qv, qvd, ql, qld, qi, qid, f, fd, xf, qs, qsd, rho_w, cld_evp_eff, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, cons_alhl, cons_rvap, cons_rgas, cons_pi, cons_cp)
subroutine cloud_tl::subl_cnv_d (dt, rhcr, pl, te, ted, qv, qvd, ql, qld, qi, qid, f, fd, xf, qs, qsd, rho_w, cld_evp_eff, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, cons_alhl, cons_rvap, cons_rgas, cons_pi, cons_cp, cons_alhs)
subroutine cloud_tl::ldradius_d (pl, te, ted, qcl, qcld, nn, rho_w, radius, radiusd, cons_rgas, cons_pi)
subroutine cloud_tl::autoconversion_ls_d (dt, qc, qcd, qp, qpd, te, ted, pl, f, fd, sundqv2, sundqv3, sundqt1, c_00, lwcrit, dzet)
subroutine cloud_tl::autoconversion_cnv_d (dt, qc, qcd, qp, qpd, te, ted, pl, f, fd, sundqv2, sundqv3, sundqt1, c_00, lwcrit, dzet)
subroutine cloud_tl::get_ice_fraction_d (temp, tempd, t_ice_all, t_ice_max, icefrpwr, icefrct, icefrctd)
subroutine cloud_tl::cons_sundq3_d (temp, tempd, rate2, rate3, te1, f2, f2d, f3)
subroutine cloud_tl::cons_microphys_d (temp, tempd, pr, q_sat, q_satd, aa, aad, bb, bbd, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, cons_rvap, alhx3, alhx3d)
subroutine cloud_tl::cons_alhx_d (t, td, alhx3, alhx3d, t_ice_max, t_ice_all, cons_alhs, cons_alhl)
subroutine cloud_tl::ice_settlefall_cnv_d (wxr, qi, qid, pl, te, ted, f, fd, cons_rgas, khu, khl, k, dt, dz, dzd, qp, qpd, anv_icefall_c)
subroutine cloud_tl::ice_settlefall_ls_d (wxr, qi, qid, pl, te, ted, f, fd, cons_rgas, khu, khl, k, dt, dz, dzd, qp, qpd, ls_icefall_c)
subroutine cloud_tl::precipandevap_d (k, ktop, lm, dt, frland, rhcr3, qpl, qpld, qpi, qpid, qcl, qcld, qci, te, ted, qv, qvd, mass, imass, pl, dze, dzed, qddf3, qddf3d, aa, aad, bb, bbd, area, aread, pfl_above_in, pfl_above_ind, pfl_above_out, pfl_above_outd, pfi_above_in, pfi_above_ind, pfi_above_out, pfi_above_outd, evap_dd_above_in, evap_dd_above_ind, evap_dd_above_out, evap_dd_above_outd, subl_dd_above_in, subl_dd_above_ind, subl_dd_above_out, subl_dd_above_outd, envfc, ddrfc, cons_alhf, cons_alhs, cons_alhl, cons_cp, cons_tice, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw, revap_off_p, c_acc, c_ev_r, c_ev_s, rho_w, estblx)
subroutine cloud_tl::marshpalm_d (rain, raind, pr, diam3, diam3d, ntotal, w, wd, ve, ved)
subroutine cloud_tl::dqsat_bac_d (dqsi, dqsid, qssi, qssid, temp, tempd, plo, im, jm, lm, estblx, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw)
subroutine cloud_tl::dqsats_bac_d (dqsi, dqsid, qssi, qssid, temp, tempd, plo, estblx, cons_h2omw, cons_airmw)