FV3 Bundle
ODZeeman_Predictor.f90 File Reference

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module  odzeeman_predictor


subroutine, public odzeeman_predictor::compute_predictors_zssmis (Temperature, Be, CosBK, Doppler_Shift, Secang, Predictor)
subroutine, public odzeeman_predictor::compute_predictors_zssmis_tl (Temperature, Be, CosBK, Temperature_TL, Predictor_TL)
subroutine, public odzeeman_predictor::compute_predictors_zssmis_ad (Temperature, Be, CosBK, Predictor_AD, Temperature_AD)
subroutine, public odzeeman_predictor::compute_predictors_zamsua (Temperature, Ref_Temperature, Be, CosBK, Secang, Predictor)
subroutine, public odzeeman_predictor::compute_predictors_zamsua_tl (Temperature, Ref_Temperature, Temperature_TL, Predictor_TL)
subroutine, public odzeeman_predictor::compute_predictors_zamsua_ad (Temperature, Ref_Temperature, Predictor_AD, Temperature_AD)


real(fp), parameter odzeeman_predictor::zero = 0.0_fp
real(fp), parameter odzeeman_predictor::one = 1.0_fp
real(fp), parameter odzeeman_predictor::two = 2.0_fp
integer, parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::n_zcomponents = 1
integer, parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::n_zabsorbers = 1
integer, parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::odps_gindex_zssmis = 4
integer, parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::max_n_predictors_zssmis = 18
integer, parameter odzeeman_predictor::n_channels_ssmis = 24
integer, dimension(n_channels_ssmis), parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::zssmis_channelmap = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0 /)
integer, parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::max_n_predictors_zamsua = 7
integer, parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::odps_gindex_zamsua = 5
integer, parameter odzeeman_predictor::n_channels_amsua = 15
integer, dimension(n_channels_amsua), parameter, public odzeeman_predictor::zamsua_channelmap = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0/)