FV3 Bundle
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1 /*
2  * (C) Copyright 2009-2016 ECMWF.
3  *
4  * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
5  * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
6  * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
7  * granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor
8  * does it submit to any jurisdiction.
9  */
11 #ifndef LORENZ95_L95TRAITS_H_
12 #define LORENZ95_L95TRAITS_H_
14 #include <string>
17 #include "lorenz95/GomL95.h"
18 #include "lorenz95/IncrementL95.h"
19 #include "lorenz95/LocsL95.h"
20 #include "lorenz95/ModelBias.h"
23 #include "lorenz95/Nothing.h"
24 #include "lorenz95/ObsBias.h"
29 #include "lorenz95/ObsTable.h"
30 #include "lorenz95/ObsVec1D.h"
31 #include "lorenz95/Resolution.h"
32 #include "lorenz95/StateL95.h"
34 namespace lorenz95 {
36 struct L95Traits {
37  static std::string name() {return "Lorenz 95";}
38  static std::string nameCovar() {return "L95Error";} // Won't work if more than one
62 };
64 } // namespace lorenz95
66 #endif // LORENZ95_L95TRAITS_H_
GomL95 class to handle locations for L95 model.
Definition: GomL95.h:32
lorenz95::StateL95 State
Definition: L95Traits.h:42
lorenz95::ModelBias ModelAuxControl
Definition: L95Traits.h:47
lorenz95::LocsL95 Locations
Definition: L95Traits.h:61
lorenz95::Nothing InterpolatorTraj
Definition: L95Traits.h:45
Increment Class: Difference between two states.
Definition: IncrementL95.h:51
lorenz95::ErrorCovarianceL95 Covariance
Definition: L95Traits.h:44
Class to handle observation bias parameters.
lorenz95::ModelBiasCorrection ModelAuxIncrement
Definition: L95Traits.h:48
lorenz95::ObsTable ObsSpace
Definition: L95Traits.h:51
lorenz95::ObsBiasCovariance ObsAuxCovariance
Definition: L95Traits.h:58
lorenz95::ObsBiasCorrection ObsAuxIncrement
Definition: L95Traits.h:57
LocsL95 class to handle locations for L95 model.
Definition: LocsL95.h:28
Handles resolution.
Definition: Resolution.h:25
lorenz95::ObservationTLAD LinearObsOperator
Definition: L95Traits.h:55
Vector in observation space.
Definition: ObsVec1D.h:32
lorenz95::ObsVec1D ObsVector
Definition: L95Traits.h:52
Background error covariance matrix for Lorenz 95 model.
The namespace for the L95 model.
lorenz95::GomL95 GeoVaLs
Definition: L95Traits.h:60
static std::string nameCovar()
Definition: L95Traits.h:38
Model error for Lorenz 95 model.
lorenz95::ObservationL95 ObsOperator
Definition: L95Traits.h:54
A Simple Observation Data Handler.
Definition: ObsTable.h:39
Observation for Lorenz 95 model.
lorenz95::Resolution Geometry
Definition: L95Traits.h:40
L95 model state.
Definition: StateL95.h:50
Observation for Lorenz 95 model.
static std::string name()
Definition: L95Traits.h:37
lorenz95::ModelBiasCovariance ModelAuxCovariance
Definition: L95Traits.h:49
lorenz95::ObsBias ObsAuxControl
Definition: L95Traits.h:56
lorenz95::IncrementL95 Increment
Definition: L95Traits.h:43