#################################### Wednesday B: Data assimilation in 4D #################################### Note that tutorial *"Getting to know the variational application"* is a prerequisite for this tutorial. In this tutorial we will learn about the ways to run four dimensional data assimilation variants. So far we have worked with 3DEnVar, which assumes that all the observations are valid at the center of the window and does not involve the forecast model. JEDI supports three kinds four dimensional cost functions, 4DEnVar, 4DVar and weak constraint 4DVar. Here we will explore the configuration for running 4DEnVar, 4DVar and the special case of the 4DVar cost function, often called 3DVar-FGAT. We will learn more about different data assimilation algorithms later in the week. For this tutorial the key thing to keep in mind is the position in the window for the background and ensemble. For 3DVar and its variants the background and ensemble are valid at the center of the window. For 4DEnVar the backgrounds and ensembles are valid for each sub-window of the assimilation. For 4DVar and FGAT the background and ensemble are valid at the beginning of the window. The configurations for these three types of cost function are outlined in the below figure, shown with a 6 hour window. .. image:: images/costfuncs.png This practical is grouped into three steps: - Modify the 3DEnVar configuration to run 4DEnVar. - Modify the 3DEnVar configuration to run 3DEnVar-FGAT. - Modify the 3DEnVar configuration to run 4DVar. - Assess the assimilation runs. .. _revive: Step 1: Revive your environment ------------------------------- Before anything can be run we need to revive the parts of the environment that are not preserved when the instance is stopped and restarted. Begin by entering the container again: .. code:: shell cd ~/ singularity shell -e jedi-gnu-openmpi-dev_latest.sif Your prompt should now look something like: .. code:: shell Singularity> Once in the container be sure also to remove limits the stack memory to prevent spurious failures: .. code:: shell ulimit -s unlimited ulimit -v unlimited If you didn't already do this, you need to install the FV3-JEDI-TOOLS package to provide the diagnostics: .. code:: shell cd ~/jedi git clone https://github.com/jcsda-internal/fv3-jedi-tools cd fv3-jedi-tools /usr/local/miniconda3/bin/pip install --user -e . Even if FV3-JEDI-TOOLS was installed previously the path still needs to be set in each session: .. code:: shell export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH Set the path to the JEDI build directory .. code:: shell JEDIBUILD=~/jedi/build/ .. _4denvar: Step 2: Run a 4DEnVar --------------------- .. warning:: The following exercises will involve modifying Yaml files. It is important to keep in mind that Yaml files are sensitive to indentation and it uses indentation to decide which parts to read. When copying chunks of code from here into the Yaml files make sure to preserve the existing indenation. Do not use tabs, all indentation must be spaces. The first exercise is to convert the yaml to run a 4DEnVar instead of 3DEnVar. By looking in the :code:`Data/bkg` directory you can see that backgrounds are available every hour throughout the window. This would allow for hourly sub-windows of 4DEnVar. However, for 4DEnVar it is also necessary to have the ensemble available for every sub-window. Looking in e.g. :code:`Data/ens/mem001/` you can see that the ensemble is available only every three hours. So in this exercise we will create a 4DEnVar with three sub-windows. Begin by creating a copy of the 3denvar.yaml configuration file, that will be where we start from: .. code:: shell cd ~/jedi/tutorials/20201001_0000z cp Config/3denvar_backup.yaml Config/4denvar.yaml Now we need to modify the cost function, background and ensemble parts of the configuration to enable 4DEnVar. Start by opening :code:`Config/4denvar.yaml` ready to edit it. The cost function type is selected by the line: .. code:: yaml cost function: cost type: 3D-Var This should be changed to the cost function needed for 4DEnVar and to describe the sub-windows that are needed: .. code:: yaml cost function: cost type: 4D-Ens-Var subwindow: PT3H Leave the other parts of the configuration, such as the window information, as they are for 3DEnVar. Note that we are using sub-windows of three hours but we are using three sub-windows in a 6 hour assimilation window. Each background is centered on a sub-window so the first sub-window extends from 2020-09-21T21:00:00 to 2020-09-21T22:30:00, the middle sub-window from 2020-09-21T22:30:00 to 2020-10-01T01:30:00 and the final sub-window from 2020-10-01T01:30:00 to 2020-10-01T03:00:00. Only the central sub-window will include observations across a three hour range. Half of the edge sub-windows lie outside the actual data assimilation window. The background part of the configuration lives within the :code:`cost function:` section and is given by: .. code:: yaml background: filetype: geos datapath: Data/bkg filename_bkgd: geos.bkg.20201001_000000z.nc4 filename_crtm: geos.crtmsrf.c24.nc4 psinfile: true state variables: [ua,va,t,ps,q,qi,ql,o3ppmv,phis,frocean,frlake, frseaice,vtype,stype,vfrac,sheleg,ts,soilt,soilm,u10m,v10m] In Jedi configuration files when there needs to be multiple states we typically use the :code:`states` keyword and then provide the list of states. In Yaml lists are provided using dashes. For the 3-hourly backgrounds that we intend to use, the configuration needs to be changed to: .. code:: yaml background: states: - filetype: geos datapath: Data/bkg filename_bkgd: geos.bkg.20200930_210000z.nc4 filename_crtm: geos.crtmsrf.c24.nc4 psinfile: true state variables: [ua,va,t,ps,q,qi,ql,o3ppmv,phis,frocean,frlake, frseaice,vtype,stype,vfrac,sheleg,ts,soilt,soilm,u10m,v10m] - filetype: geos datapath: Data/bkg filename_bkgd: geos.bkg.20201001_000000z.nc4 filename_crtm: geos.crtmsrf.c24.nc4 psinfile: true state variables: [ua,va,t,ps,q,qi,ql,o3ppmv,phis,frocean,frlake, frseaice,vtype,stype,vfrac,sheleg,ts,soilt,soilm,u10m,v10m] - filetype: geos datapath: Data/bkg filename_bkgd: geos.bkg.20201001_030000z.nc4 filename_crtm: geos.crtmsrf.c24.nc4 psinfile: true state variables: [ua,va,t,ps,q,qi,ql,o3ppmv,phis,frocean,frlake, frseaice,vtype,stype,vfrac,sheleg,ts,soilt,soilm,u10m,v10m] Now there is a list of states, one for the middle of each of the sub-windows. Now we need to provide lists of states for the ensembles. The ensemble part of the configuration (for the first two members) looks like .. code:: yaml members: - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem001 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20201001_000000z.nc4 psinfile: true - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem002 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20201001_000000z.nc4 psinfile: true For 4DEnVar with the three sub-windows this would be: .. code:: yaml members: - states: - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem001 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20200930_210000z.nc4 psinfile: true - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem001 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20201001_000000z.nc4 psinfile: true - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem001 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20201001_030000z.nc4 psinfile: true - states: - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem002 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20200930_210000z.nc4 psinfile: true - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem002 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20201001_000000z.nc4 psinfile: true - filetype: geos state variables: *anvars datapath: Data/ens/mem002 filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20201001_030000z.nc4 psinfile: true This needs to be done for all ensemble members. You may wish to use 10 members instead of 32 if you get bored making these changes! The localization part of the configuration contains the :code:`timeslots` keyword. Here we need to provide a list of the times of the middle of the sub-windows. Note that yaml can accept lists in square brackets as well as using dashes. The new timeslots are provided as: .. code:: yaml timeslots: ['2020-09-30T21:00:00Z','2020-10-01T00:00:00Z','2020-10-01T03:00:00Z'] If you search on '3denvar' in the configuration you'll see that it is used in naming the hofx and analysis output. You may want to change these instances to '4denvar' to preserve previous output. Now you are ready to run the 4DEnVar data assimilation but before doing that note that for 4DEnVar each sub-window runs in parallel and since there are three sub-windows we need three times as many processors as previously, in this case 18. So to run 4DEnVar issue: .. code:: shell mpirun -np 18 $JEDIBUILD/bin/fv3jedi_var.x Config/4denvar.yaml Logs/4denvar.log Note that the 4DEnVar run can be a bit sluggish due to the MPI oversubscription (these AWS nodes only have 8 physical cores). You may want to start working on the next step while it runs. .. _3dfgat: Step 3: Run a 3DEnVar-FGAT -------------------------- Now we will run a 3DEnVar-FGAT. FGAT stands for First Guess and Analysis Time. Essentially this type of data assimilation is an amalgam of 3DVar and 4DVar. Like 4DVar it uses the model forecast to assess :math:`h(x)` at the correct time and does not assume that observations all lie at the middle of the window. Like 3DVar it does not involve the forecast model adjoint in the minimization. Again begin by creating a copy of the 3denvar.yaml configuration file: .. code:: shell cp Config/3denvar_backup.yaml Config/3denvar-fgat.yaml Since FGAT is a simplification of 4DVar (the adjoint model is just replaced with the identity model) the cost function for FGAT is the same as for 4DVar: .. code:: yaml cost function: cost type: 4D-Var From the above figure you can see that the only information that needs to be read in is at the beginning of the window. Anything needed throughout the window is handled internally by running a forecast of the model through the window. In a few places the date needs to be updated compared to the :code:`3denvar.yaml` configuration. - Change to :code:`filename_bkgd: geos.bkg.20200930_210000z.nc4` in the :code:`background` part of the configuration. - Change to :code:`filename_bkgd: geos.ens.20200930_210000z.nc4` for each ensemble member. - Change timeslots to :code:`timeslots: ['2020-09-31T21:00:00Z']` in the :code:`localization` part of the configuration. - Change date to :code:`date: '2020-09-31T21:00:00Z'` in the :code:`background error` part of the configuration. Since 3DEnVar-FGAT requires the forecast model, information about the model setup needs to be provided. This is included in the configuration inside the :code:`cost function` part: .. code:: yaml cost function: ... model: name: FV3LM nml_file: Data/fv3files/input_geos_c24.nml trc_file: Data/fv3files/field_table nml_file_pert: Data/fv3files/inputpert_4dvar.nml lm_do_dyn: 1 lm_do_trb: 0 lm_do_mst: 0 tstep: PT1H model variables: [u,v,ua,va,t,delp,q,qi,ql,o3ppmv,phis,frocean,frlake, frseaice,vtype,stype,vfrac,sheleg,ts,soilt,soilm,u10m,v10m] This model, which is called :code:`FV3LM` in the system, is the standalone dynamical core. There is no physics being run in this case but this is OK for testing purposes at low resolution. Note that the model requires some variables not previously in the background, namely the addition of u and v and delp instead of ps. The background variables should be made to be the same as the model variables so the configuration looks like: .. code:: yaml background: filetype: geos datapath: Data/bkg filename_bkgd: geos.bkg.20200930_210000z.nc4 filename_crtm: geos.crtmsrf.c24.nc4 psinfile: true state variables: [u,v,ua,va,t,delp,q,qi,ql,o3ppmv,phis,frocean,frlake, frseaice,vtype,stype,vfrac,sheleg,ts,soilt,soilm,u10m,v10m] The 4DVar cost function in JEDI requires a linear model. For FGAT this is simply the identity linear model but this still needs to be provided in the configuration. It should be added in the inner loop part of the configuration as follows: .. code:: yaml iterations: - ninner: 10 linear model: variable change: Identity name: FV3JEDIIdTLM tstep: PT1H tlm variables: *anvars ... As with 4DEnVar, it's worth changing instances of :code:`3denvar` in the configuration to e.g. :code:`3denvar-fgat` so that output of :math:`h(x)` and the analysis is not overwritten. Now you should be ready to run the 3DEnVar-FGAT data assimilation: .. code:: shell mpirun -np 6 $JEDIBUILD/bin/fv3jedi_var.x Config/3denvar-fgat.yaml Logs/3denvar-fgat.log .. _4dvar: Step 3: Run a 4DVar ------------------- Evolving from the 3DEnVar-FGAT to 4DVar is very simple since the cost function and arrangement of the backgrounds and ensemble is unchanged. The only difference compared to 3DEnVar-FGAT is the linear model, which should now be the actual model adjoint. Instead of starting from the 3DEnVar configuration file just start from the 3DEnVar-FGAT configuration file: .. code:: shell cp Config/3denvar-fgat.yaml Config/4dvar.yaml Now replace the identity linear model: .. code:: yaml linear model: variable change: Identity name: FV3JEDIIdTLM tstep: PT1H tlm variables: *anvars with the actual FV3 linear model: .. code:: yaml linear model: variable change: Analysis2Model name: FV3JEDITLM nml_file: Data/fv3files/input_geos_c24.nml trc_file: Data/fv3files/field_table nml_file_pert: Data/fv3files/inputpert_4dvar.nml tstep: PT1H tlm variables: [u,v,t,delp,q,qi,ql,o3ppmv] lm_do_dyn: 1 lm_do_trb: 0 lm_do_mst: 0 Also use :code:`4dvar` in the the output analysis and :math:`h(x)` files so as not to overwrite the previous output. Now you are ready to run a 4DVar analysis: .. code:: shell mpirun -np 6 $JEDIBUILD/bin/fv3jedi_var.x Config/4dvar.yaml Logs/4dvar.log Note that 4DVar can take some time to run so feel free to explore the next steps while it completes. .. _assess: Step 4: Apply the diagnostic tools ---------------------------------- Now that you have run these different kinds of assimilation you can apply all the tools to assess the health of the assimilation runs learnt earlier in the week. Try looking at some the statistics of the outputs and comparing the increments between assimilation runs. Can you try adding outer loops to the various systems and adjusting the number of inner loops? Keep in mind that for 4DVar and FGAT the analysis is valid at the beginning of the window rather than the middle. The diagnostic configuration files need to be modified for this. You will also need to modify both the background and analysis in :code:`Config/create_increment_3denvar.yaml` each time you want to create the increment from the analysis.