FV3 Bundle
oops::CostMaker< MODEL, FCT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for oops::CostMaker< MODEL, FCT >, including all inherited members.

CostFactory(const std::string &)oops::CostFactory< MODEL >explicitprotected
CostMaker(const std::string &name)oops::CostMaker< MODEL, FCT >inlineexplicit
create(const eckit::Configuration &, const Geometry_ &, const Model_ &)oops::CostFactory< MODEL >static
Geometry_ typedefoops::CostMaker< MODEL, FCT >private
make(const eckit::Configuration &config, const Geometry_ &resol, const Model_ &model) overrideoops::CostMaker< MODEL, FCT >inlineprivatevirtual
Model_ typedefoops::CostMaker< MODEL, FCT >private
~CostFactory()oops::CostFactory< MODEL >inlinevirtual